Saturday, October 21, 2023

Legends of the Fall (1994)

Pros: This was one of my ex's favorite film and needless to say, I dodged a bullet. This film does have a lot going for it, namely that the Native Americans are treated with true decency, not to mention the fabulous acting, from Brad Pitt (at his hottest as the 'hero' of the film, Tristan Ludlow) and Anthony Hopkins (as the patriarch William Ludlow), not to mention Aidan Quinn's best performance (considering his career didn't really take off after this film) and Julia Ormond (who did have a solid career after this film). The setting is also largely good along with great cinematography and score. 

Cons: Well, the timeless is just trash. Tristan journeys off to recover from his brother, Samuel (Henry Thomas) dying in his arms and though it is explained that he's gone for years, the dates in the narrated letters only indicate that a year and a half has passed since he told Susannah (Ormond) to forget about him, so that's ridiculous. That is probably my biggest problem with the film but it is not one to overlooked or ignored. And the ending is a freeze shot of Tristan's death, which is also just dumb. The ending is sad, and this is a largely a tragic, violent film, though there also that odd love square as Susannah gets all three brothers to fall in love with her, which is no small feat.

Recommend: Depends on the person though Pitt's performance is brilliant

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-The aging make-up for Anthony Hopkins is great. He looks the same then as he does today. 

-After the price of cattle drops (for reasons never specifically explained), Tristan turns to bootlegging and that choice ultimately destroys him. This would have occurred during Prohibition though that term is never mentioned throughout the course of the film.

-Alfred (Quinn) feels that he obeyed all the rules of men and God while Tristan followed neither and is loved far more. I disagree with that statement.

-I also didn't understand why Tristan joined the Canadian army in World War I when he never spoke of it before, unlike his brothers.

-Tristan's infant daughter is never named.