Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Middle: Christmas Help

This episode had its ups and downs.
What I didn't like: Mike's brother, Rusty, was back and this time, he brought some furniture that he may or may not have stolen and stored it in Mike's garage. Needless to say, this did not make Mike happy. He got more and more mad at Rusty as the episode wore on.
Axl, on the other hand, turned the furniture into his own crib, and actually made it look nice, which is something he normally would not have done.The fact that he had moved out of the big house was only a minor plot and probably should have been made into a bigger deal than it was.
What I liked: Reverend Tim Tom was back and cast Brick as a wise man in the nativity story. He asks Sue to bake the Christmas cookies, and she actually doesn't mess up, which is a Christmas miracle in itself. When it came time for the pageant, Brick, who looked so cute in his costume, was horrible. It was hilarious, he forgot his lines and looked at the back of the stage for part of it and walked around in a circle with his squeaky shoes. He even ate one of Sue's cookies (which weren't selling) on the stage. Axl though his performance made the show more interesting and his acceptance of his crazy brother made Mike want to accept Rusty back in his life and they work through everything. Reverend Tim Tom decides to bring Sue's cookies with him on his next journey.
Frankie finds a job for the Christmas season, but her employee discount doesn't kick in right away, so she tries to hide her presents around the store, but people still snatch them up. Finally, her discount does kick in, but when she tries to hide her presents on the top shelf, her ladder is wheeled away so she is trapped, meaning her family receives no presents until the day after Christmas. Then they all go shopping and everything is right in the world.
This show tried to cram in four separate lines into one slim twenty-one minute episode and I thought that each plot line could have been more developed. Still the acting was brilliant as it always is. The pageant scene was especially hilarious. I can't wait for more new episodes. Grade: B+

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