Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Middle: The Potato

This was a pretty good episode.
The Heck family has been using the church van for many months now since one of their cars broke its windshield, but now that car has been fixed. The church finally needs their van back so the Hecks reluctantly surrender it. This means that Sue (Eden Sher) doesn't have a car and she doesn't want to be a dork and go back on the bus. Thus, she enters the work force, getting a job at a local fast food restaurant located at the mall, this sort of potato shack. The problem? True, she sailed through her interview and even included a personal essay, she doesn't like the product, aka the special tuna potato of the week. And she can't lie to customers telling them that she loved it. Instead, she cries to them and nearly throws up as she just can't lie. But just as she is about to quit, her younger manager (Jimmy Bellinger) tells her that the special potato changes every week.
Axl's (Charlie McDermott) roommate is even ruder and grosser than Axl, if that's even possible. He's not much better, especially when he wipes his dirty mouth on Brick's sleeve. His roommate, Kenny (Tommy Bechtold) is a gamer so he doesn't even move his head away from his computer screen to pick up his dental floss. Axl takes to sleeping at home, much to his parents' (Patricia Heaton and Neil Flynn) dismay. Axl even takes their advice, and tries to talk to Kenny, which goes absolutely nowhere, so Axl decides to find a cute girl to shack up with. (Those are his exact words.)
And he finds one. A nice girl named Beth (Jessie Lande), but instead, Beth is also a gamer and she's on level five of World of Warcraft. Despite only playing video games, their relationships grows. When Axl tells them it's time for bed, the two just start making out, leaving Axl no better than in the beginning of the episode.
Now it's time for the call from Brick's (Atticus Shaffer) school. The new principal, Principal Barker (Rachel Dratch) informs the Hecks that Brick hasn't been attending any of his classes. Naturally, the Hecks are furious and Brick also looks confused, as he has been attending classes and even got an A- on his Spanish test. So the Hecks return to Principal Barker, all smug believing they are right and she is wrong. But as it turns out, Brick didn't take Sue's advice properly. He thought that switching classes meant he could take whatever he wanted. Definitely not the case. He'd been attending all the wrong classes for five weeks, so he has tons of catching up to do. Yikes.
That's basically the episode, pretty good with some really good laughs, though a letdown after last week's, but whatever. I was glad that Brick was actually attending classes because if he hadn't, that would have been a huge inconsistency from last week's episode. The acting is, as per normal, perfection, with this being the most underrated cast on television. Also, Rachel Dratch is great as the principal, using her hands to talk. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-The first time Sue says she can't be a dork and ride the bus again, there is no reaction, no smart comment. The second she repeats that and Axl responds with saying that her clothes and personality will do that for her. Brick is even glad that there is a reaction.
-Speaking of Brick, when Axl went home to sleep, Brick mentioned the next morning that he thought he saw a strange man (Axl) in his room. Frankie tells him that if that happens again, he should scream or run, or both.
-Frankie doesn't like the potato at the end of the show.
-The Hecks still go to church out of guilt.
-Axl decides he needs a blender at college. I'm worried.
-Does Axl actually play football at college? Because he never seems to be in class or at practice, maybe time will tell.
-The parents need some sort of plot line, though I don't know what. Thoughts?

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