Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Middle: Valentine's Day IV

I love how the Hecks do holidays and this was no exception.
Darrin (John Gammon) has a scavenger hunt in mind for Sue (Eden Sher) with a huge surprise at the end while Brick (Atticus Shaffer) doesn't even know if he and Cindy (Casey Burke) are still together. And Devin (Gina Mantegna) assures Axl (Charlie McDermott) that she doesn't want him to do anything for the big day or else she will punch him in the neck and he likes his neck.
Hutch (Alphonso McAuley) fully believes that she isn't telling the truth and Axl is so desperate for answers, he asks Frankie (Patricia Heaton) for advice, even though she is the worst because even though she liked getting presents when she said she didn't want anything, Devin isn't here and might actually mean what she says so Axl stalks off, upset. He decides to play it well. The day before Valentine's Day, he celebrates Radio Day, a new holiday which is only three years old. He bestows Devin a dying house plant that came with the house and bought her dinner at her favorite fast food place and then even got a bouncy house which she loves. She even has the nerve to ask him what he got her for Valentine's Day and the two end up kissing on the floor of the bouncy house.
Brick and Cindy have the oddest relationship ever. He asks her if they are still together and she answers with a crisp yes and he walks away. Later, he returns and decides that because he likes both her and ice cream, the two together should be awesome. Cindy agrees and states that afterwards, they will kiss which makes Brick extremely nervous as he doesn't know how. So poor Mike (Neil Flynn) and Frankie try and teach him how to kiss. The kiss goes horribly, well, its awkward, but what first kiss isn't. Not that I would know. He pulls her down, though the flaps of her hat falls off but she continues the lean anyway and lips meet other lips, but they don't know how to break it off. Mike and Frankie go out to the car and then Walgreens where they buy each other thoughtful gifts but the two are still kissing when they return and Mike finally breaks it off, thank goodness for all involved. Still, Brick firmly believes he nailed the whole thing.
At least Axl and Brick are happy because Sue's plot end ends on a horrible cliff-hanger. She has an amazing time that day, going everywhere to gather clues Darrin left for her around the town, at various places at the mall and the bowling alley. It ends at a teeny tiny little house which he just bought. Sue isn't exactly thrilled at his humble abode.  All she wanted was a sweater. It gets worse, though both my mom and I predicted the direction this went. Darrin proclaims that the house isn't his, it's theirs and then promptly drops to one knee and pulls out that little black box with a shiny diamond ring. Sue's face fills with horror and shock. And what's worse is that we must wait until next week to fine out her response though I doubt it will end in Darrin's favor. She's a senior in high school with big dreams to go to college. Sure, she loves him and probably doesn't want to break up with him, he is moving faster than she is. Plus, Mike will have a cow. Seriously, a whole cow. He might not pay enough attention to his little girl, but she's still his little girl and he's not going to let her go without a fight or some words.
Still, even though Sue's ending left me speechless despite me knowing it would come, I was still in shock, sort of like Sue herself, this was a great episode and certainly one of the best Valentine's Day episodes in the show's history. It was also incredibly funny and each character got their own moments to shine. It was a fairly balanced episode filled with great lines and little gags. Grade: A
Side Notes:
-The best part was when Hutch declares that Axl is crazy for deciding not to get Devin anything for the big day and drags Kenny (Tommy Bechtold) into the conversation. Kenny is busy gaming at his computer but hears what is going on through the headphones and just shakes his head. Even Kenny knows better, that's just sad.
-Speaking of Hutch, he is going way overboard for a girl that he has only gone on two dates with. He bought her flowers and is making her a special meal, plus made dinner reservations at a fancy hotel.
-"The chemistry between us is undeniable."-Brick's quote about his and Cindy's relationship.
-Darrin's house is quite small as the bed touches all four sides of the wall. This thrills Darrin so he won't fall out of the bed and onto the floor.
-When Frankie and Mike kiss, Axl is beyond grossed out.
-K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple, Stupid.-Axl's great advice for kissing. He doesn't realize that it smells kiss.
-Frankie gets Mike a universal remote with numbers big enough for him to see.
-He was brave enough to step into the ladies' aisle though who truly knows what he gave her but she was pleased nevertheless.
-I can't believe I forgot Doris, the dog. After staying at the Donahue house, she was weaned off her oxygen, diaper and wagon. Mrs. Donahue (Jen Ray) even made her chicken and rice which the Hecks eat instead. Doris doesn't want to go back to the Heck household and Frankie doesn't blame her at all.

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