Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Middle: The Convention

Well, Frankie (Patricia Heaton) is forced to go to a dental convention in Des Moines. She doesn't want to do, dreads it and only attends, not because it is mandatory, but because it is all expenses paid (or so she misunderstands) and will get her out of the house. She thinks it is lame but finally, the enthusiastic host, Dr. Samuelson (the always great Cheryl Hines) wonders if they ever feel left out and forgotten. Frankie buys right into this hooey, grateful that she could get rewarded for referring someone to their dental offices even in other states. Mike (Neil Flynn) may not be thrilled with this Ponzi scheme, but for the first time in the history of this show, he's getting laid on a regular basis because Frankie is so hyped from the sessions which are basically super inspiring and then a dance party breaks out. Only then they get the bill for all those mini bar snacks and room service they ordered. Frankie believed that all expenses were paid, and the room was but not all the extras. Now, they must pay nearly seven hundred dollars in fees. Frankie even tries to ask Dr. Samuelson to pay the bill. Though she refuses to pay, she is thrilled that Frankie had the guts and spirit to ask. It is that attitude that they want. In the end, they work it out that they will deduct the bill out of her payments for the next six months. Yikes. Still, Frankie is glad they went into the trip blind, because then they wouldn't have had as much fun.
Sue (Eden Sher) has her own battles. She foolishly mentions that she has a free bed (so I guess her horrible roommate was given the heave hoe) in front of her parents and Axl (Charlie McDermott) and he promptly announces that he's moving in. Sue hates it, at first, he's distracting with all of his guitar playing but the people love him and Sue meets tons of people through him. She's thrilled and having the time of her life until she misses a test. She is livid and who can blame her? I'm just shocked that she doesn't throw up. Yet. Axl tries to teach her how to lie and that she must make a lie her own. Sue decides that instead of making someone in her family dangerously ill, she rushed to aid of a man who collapsed because that is the kind of person she is. As she goes to that lie to her professor, she throws up, which only helps her case. She is allowed to have a make-up test which is wonderful. Grateful that Axl is her roommate, she is upset when he announces that he is leaving. Two hot girls offered him their bean bag chair to sleep for a week but he will return once there is more fudge. But at least some of the other girls in Sue's hall return to see her so she did gain some friends in the process.
Now, because Brick (Atticus Shaffer) is left alone at home, which is easily one of the worst ideas ever. Fortunately, they find a free babysitter for him, Grandpa Big (John Cullen) but as it turns out, Grandpa needs even more watching over than Brick. In fact, he even blows off a date with Cindy to take care of Grandpa, because they are so much work at that age. Grandpa is more of a child than Brick even though he did have big plans on fixing a vacuum cleaner Frankie threw out. Unfortunately, that is all for naught because Brick is the one sleeping when Frankie and Mike return home. Big Mike starts to say that he is upset at how fast the kids are growing up because in only a few years, Brick won't need him to babysit anymore.
Though not much process was made in the character's development, it was still a delightful episode, with the characters doing stuff they haven't done before, something that is always refreshing. There were also some great guest performances, again always welcome and fantastic. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-Sue hid Grandma's fudge in her room and warned Axl not to look around for it, but he found it and ate the whole thing anyway.
-Sue has also never stayed up past midnight before in college. She broke that barrier.
-I wish Frankie would shut the door before pouncing on Mike.
-Mike doesn't like the ribs so he just goes ahead and orders the steak, only adding to the bill.
-Dr. Goodwin (Jack MacBrayer) is always welcome, though he doesn't have much to do except explain how the new office will work.
-Frankie won't have a desk anymore, she will move from chair to chair with a smile tablet.
-Naturally, she is upset that she will no longer have a desk to surf the web, plus it contained a bunch of cookies stuffed inside.
-Grandpa beats Brick in checkers plenty of times. Brick decides to go forth with other stuff and putting on an old war movie to entertain Grandpa.
-How in the world did Brick get to the grocery store and back and not get lost?
-Grandpa won't eat yellow foods but Brick bribes him with the threat of taking away dessert if he won't eat his eggs. No water, juice please.
-Sue has so much stuff while Axl has so little. She even ruins his inflatable palm tree.

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