Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Middle: Hecks at a Movie

Well, poor Brick (Atticus Shaffer) has never been to the movies. Yes, I can believe it though Frankie (Patricia Heaton) and Mike (Neil Flynn) cannot. They may not go to the movies often, but they certainly know how to sneak food in. Brick has Milk Dudes (the generic, probably gross version of Milk Duds) in his sleeve and some other snack down his pants while Mike brings a whole two-liter soda bottle in his coat pocket.
The Hecks are going to see a film which had a passing shot of a local diner and at the theater, they meet the Donohues and Norwoods and Bill (Pat Finn) tells everyone a funny story about when he met an actual celebrity but Frankie keeps interrupting and turning the story back on her though his is much more interesting. Mike gets annoyed and quietly and quickly shushes her in front of the others which sort of sucked the life out of the story. Frankie is livid and even after Mike attempts a weak apology solely so the fight doesn't move to a second location and tries, in vain, to grab her hand, she shakes it off and even slaps his hand away but Mike is persistent, especially for Mike. Frankie is massively insulted. But she was talking a lot.
Sue (Eden Sher) does provide some potatoes but they need butter and though she feels guilty because they bought nothing from the concession stand, she goes to get butter anyway and runs into Logan (David Hull). Fortunately, fate smiles on her as Logan isn't mad at her for leaving him inside the library. They seem to be getting along splendidly, as they have many of the same interests and the flirting is heavy, Logan even offers Sue his jacket because she left hers in the movie theater, something she completely forgot about as she is more interested in him. They have a wonderful kiss, albeit brief, before Logan drops a bomb. He is thinking of switching his major--to religious studies. Yes, that's right, he's seriously considering becoming a priest. (Remember guys, he went to Catholic school.) Sue is devastated and angry at God, though she immediately apologizes for the harsh feelings. Yes, fate has dealt her a curve ball.
Brick also misses the movie but for an entirely different reason. Before the movie even begins, a trailer for his beloved books, Planet Nowhere airs and he is livid at the casting and how they are portraying everything, so different from the books, which angers him. Brick is determined that that film never see the light of day, but his plight goes nowhere. The theater will still show it because that's there job and Mike insists he return the poster cut-out because that's stealing but I doubt will will let his fight go that easily though he will eventually give up because that is his pattern.
Despite Mike's best efforts, the fight continues to the home but everything stops as Frankie goes to email Nancy (Jen Ray) to stop the bleeding and she sees that the pictures believed to be lost forever at Christmastime have magically reappeared. Delight fills the room and Sue believes that this is her reward for letting God have Logan, though, just like Brick, I don't think she will give up that easily. And I really like them together so I hope things work out.
Needless to say, this episode was funny, especially when Mike really, truly tried to hold Frankie's hand, though the funniest part is something that I will talk about down below. Sue is so awkward when she tries to flirt, yet, she's such a great character but she has been lucky, sheltered from much of this cruel, dark world. And all is right in the Heck marriage again, there is much to be thankful for. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-Axl's (Charlie McDermott's) tiny little plot is truly hilarious. During the film, he and Sean (Beau Wirick) decide if a couple in front of them is going to kiss and they recount their first kiss, at Susie Baker's house, in a dark closet and it was interrupted when her dad came down to break up the party and each hit their respective heads on the door. Yes, that's right, they kissed each other. Embarrassment ensues. And Axl does try to justify everything by saying that since then, he has kissed thirty-eight girls and none of them have ever complained.
-Sean, for the record, is still in the single digits, but his grades are much better.
-Sean is also still not eating meat and his mother is ashamed.
-For the first time, Sue doesn't barf when she believes that she is stealing from the theater.
-The celebrity that Bill who wanted five lemons in her water is, just as Frankie predicted, Heather Locklear.
-Brick gets up at yells at the screen during the trailer but Mike tells him that he can't do that because this isn't the TV.
-When Sue finds out that Logan is switching his major, she hopes that it won't be to psychology because that is what she is leaning toward and if they both have the same job, that could really mess the kids up. Way to push that relationship forward. Way to be subtle.
-Sue kept Logan's coat on purpose just so she would have an excuse to see him again. It was a good excuse to see him again.
-She does say that he will make a good priest because he gives great advice. They weren't thinking when they kissed, they were just feeling.
-Frankie tells Mike that they can fight in private but never in public because they need to create the illusion of a happy marriage.
-I wonder where the Donohue and Norwood children are? The only one shown is Sean.
-Why are lemons in water so fancy? It's just weird, there's nothing wrong with plain water.

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