Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Middle: Survey Says...

Well, Sue (Eden Sher) has a boyfriend and I'm not too thrilled with her pick in men this time around. Of course, Sue is bound to have a ton of boyfriends as all sitcom children do, but this is not one of the ones I can root for. His name is Jeremy (Will Green). He saved a tree that he was chained to and only spent one night in prison because of his actions. Frankie (Patricia Heaton) also appears thrilled and ecstatic about the whole thing. She just wanted and longed for girl time. Instead, she gets Jeremy who doesn't tell her where he's from, refuses to eat any of the food because it isn't raw and says that his father is a corporate pig.
This leads us to a great scene between Frankie and Sue. Frankie says that she isn't happy with Sue's choice in men and how it is great to care about changing the world while she's young but eventually she won't care anymore and that she shouldn't latch on to the opinions of the men she's currently dating. Sue should have her own. And she should. Instead, she hates the world, doesn't want to see a movie because there are too many white people in it (ironically, just as this show) and believes that the arctic foxes need saving, which they do but that shouldn't be your top priority just because your list is alphabetical.
Mike (Neil Flynn) is having his own special breakdown, devastated that Axl (Charlie McDermott) doesn't want to play football his senior year. Now, though football is what is paying for his college, he barely gets any playing time and has finally accepted his fate of never going pro. And he's accepted that. He's also looking into other options as he does know that college isn't free. He wants to focus on his classes and maybe even get an internship. He has finally almost grown up, though not in the way Mike wanted him to.
Each parent is disappointed in their child, forgetting all about Brick (Atticus Shaffer). Brick, once again, has left his school project go until the last minute, which is nothing new. Frankie refuses to go out and buy him the necessary graph paper so she orders it online and Brick is asked to take a survey on how satisfied with the product and he over thinks the whole thing. And then, he goes to actually use the product and is upset over the poor quality and retakes the survey over and over again before finally calling to resign his position because he can't give an honest review. The thing is set to repeat because then he gets an email to rate his phone call experience with Carol. Yikes.
Fortunately, this was a good episode. Each parent longs for the days when their kids were younger but they know that that part of their life is almost over. (Don't forget about Brick, you guys.) Axl realizes that he still needs to play football just to afford college as he doesn't want to be in debt for the next ten or so years. Sue also ends up crying because she does care, but sometimes she gets confused over how she should care. Frankie urges her that she will always care the right amount and they hug. Fight over. The parents realize that their kids have grown up and they just have to accept it. They need to trust that they have done their job properly, but because they are the Hecks I can see why they worry. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-Frankie and Mike drink too much as the beers are only a dime so they crash at Axl's place.
-Nancy Donohue (Jen Ray) tells Brick that he's spending the night at her place and that his parents' intoxication should be a cautionary tale for him.
-But they refuse the eggs and salami for breakfast but least wake up at there house. They are advantages to living in a car.
-There is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean filled with plastic recycling. While Frankie thinks it would be cool as you wouldn't have to wash anything, Sue firmly points out that it is no laughing matter.
-Doris is still alive. She eats a piece of Brick's graph paper.
-There is no food in the Heck house. There is half an envelope of onion soup mix, bread knots and the half a candy bar stuffed in Frankie's church shoes.
-Jeremy believes that it is cruel to take milk from a cow while Frankie believes that it is crueler to leave the milk in cow and she knows what she is talking about. Apparently, she did breast feed her children. I guess it was cheaper for them. She is also still drunk so she laughs at the word breast.
-Sue wonders about sonar, which is bad for whales but good for borders, both are things that she likes.
-Brick asks Mike if he's extremely satisfied (about the paper) and Mike replies that he's asking the wrong person (in life).
-Axl knows that his life will soon be filled with nothing but disappointment and Mike knows that he has taught him well.
-Sue realizes that she will also end up just like her mother and she's okay with that.
-Sue is surprised that godmothers actually exist and take you to islands.
-Axl is out of underwear, even though he wore then each twice.
-Frankie urges Brick to marry Cindy, lock that down while he can.
-Oh, and Jeremy's actually from Iowa. In case anyone cares.

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