Sunday, July 24, 2016

Star Trek: Beyond

This is probably the last film of the new Star Trek series, after all, it is a trilogy. I do have some issues with it, but overall, it was a good film.
James T. Kirk (Chris Kirk) is getting bored with his life aboard the Enterprise. His life is too routine and mundane for his liking. He will soon want to eat his words. While enjoying some rest and relaxation on the space colony of Yorktown (who knows why it is named that), a foreign friend of the Federation who doesn't even speak English (Lydia Wilson). Her ship and crew has been taken captive by an enemy and she needs help to rescue them. Kirk agrees to help. Boy, will he regret that.
The group is evil, and viciously attacks the Enterprise, rendering the ship useless. Some of the crew is able to use escape pods to flee the scene while the rest are taken hostage, though Kirk is not among them. He and Chekov (the late, but good Anton Yelchin) and the other captain (who turns out to be lying about everything, she will eventually die, without being given the chance to redeem herself) are in one group, Uhura (Zoe Saldana) and Sulu (John Cho) are among the prisoners, while Bones (Karl Urban) is forced to care for an injured Spock (Zachary Quinto). Eventually, everyone but Sulu and Uhura are together again, along with the native Jahlah (Sofia Bontella) who managed to escape from the enemy Krall's (Idris Elba's) lair. She is with the ship's engineer, Scotty (Simon Pegg, who also co-wrote the screenplay, though you would never know it) to rebuild her home, which is an old Federation ship called Franklin. Though she is a strong character, she just lets Kirk take over, as he is used to doing. But he does save her from Krall when he could have easily left her behind. That moment got people clapping. Then Krall goes after Yorktown with his weapon of death. And Uhura saves Spock, which is sweet. Though they have
 already have a huge battle under their belts, they are not done. They must stop Krall from ruining Yorktown. Now, here is where one of my problems with the film comes in. Uhura is examining some old footage from the former crew of the Franklin and notices something odd. The former captain, Edison, presumed dead for over one hundred years, is actually still alive. He is now Krall. I don't understand how she figures that out, but it is the truth. Krall and Kirk get into a huge fist fight as Krall tries to unleash the weapon and Kirk tries to divert it into outer space, but of course, good beats evil and Krall is cast into outer space and dies, never to be seen or heard from again. Order is restored.
Now, though the film is action-packed, there are still some deeper meaning lines, including Uhura blatantly telling Krall that unity is their strength, there did need to be more character interactions outside of the heavy action scenes. The romance between Spock and Uhura isn't mentioned much though they each, once again, give great performances. But Spock and Kirk are also struggling to make change of life decisions, but, in the end, decide not to take their new positions and continue flying around, saving the world. I wished the ending would have been different, but it was sweet with Bones throwing Kirk a surprise birthday party even though Kirk isn't big on birthdays.
Despite my issues with the film, it was still incredibly good as a whole, with great editing, cinematography and mise-en-scene, with spectacular make-up, costumes and art direction. Also, it is not right about Yelchin's death, as he is the youngest of all the main characters. Such a good career cut far too short. Grade: B+

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