Friday, September 16, 2016

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

This is a great film, a beggar wins the most money ever awarded in the history of Indian television, but, and this is more important to Jamal (played by Dev Patel, Ayush Mahesh Khedekar and Tanay Chheda at various ages) is that he gets the girl, Latika (played by Frieda Pinto, Rubina Ali and Tanvi Ganesh Lonkar at various ages).
Jamal had a rough childhood, one which he was orphaned at a young age when his mother was killed by some insurgents killing all Muslims in sight. This is how Jamal and his older brother Salim (played by Madhur Mittal, Azhauddin Mohammad Ismail and Ashutosh Lobo Gajiwala at various ages) are 'rescued' by a man who uses them in a way similar to how Oliver is used in Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist, using them for an income. But Salim does rescue Jamal as Maman (Ankur Vikal) is about to blind him as blind children beggars get more money. One of their friends doesn't fair as well.
They brave the rails of India together, scraping a living by hustling people. They live hand to mouth but while Jamal stays sweet and somewhat innocent, Salim is toughened up by the streets and shoots Maman to get the young dancer Latika away from his grasp. But he is already working for Javed (Mahesh Manjrekar) a gangster who rules Mumbai. While somehow Jamal gets a job working as a chai wallah (tea server) at a large call center, soaking in some important information along the way, Salim kills people for Javed and Latika is his mistress, whom he abuses whenever she upsets him. Jamal additions for the show solely because he believes that she will be watching. Which she is.
However, Jamal has difficulties on the show. He is doing brilliantly and is gutsy. Even when the host (Anil Kapoor) fed him the wrong answer, he picks the correct one. But he is arrested and charged with fraud, as no one can believe he knows the answers. He tells the investigator (Irrfan Khan) his life story. Sure, he did get lucky with the questions, as there is so much he doesn't know. But he is also far too honest, admitting that his brother is a murderer to his torturers. 
Then, comes the final night. The very last question awaits him. He doesn't know the answer, though in his limited schooling The Three Musketeers was one of the few books he knew of. Fortunately, his brother finally has a change of heart and sets Latika free, and will deal with the aftermath himself. Latika is the one who answered the call as Jamal only knows the number to his brother's phone. He is thrilled that she is safe and picks the correct answer to the question he doesn't know. He has won the game.
Needless to say, his victory came at a price. His brother meets his death just after killing Javed. But he knew that was coming, as he piled into a bathtub filled with money when he shot Javed.
Jamal rushes to meet Latika and they have finally reached their destiny. They kiss and the film ends. 
This film is good, with great acting all around. Good music and soundtrack only add to the greatness of the film, in addition to it being well put together as a whole, though the timeline can be hard to follow for some. The sets are authentic and this is a fell-good story that everyone needs every once in a while. The dance number was great at the end. I just hope that Jamal and Latika can truly have the happy ending they both deserve. Grade: A-

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