Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Fundamentals of Caring (2016)

This is a simple little film.
Ben (Paul Rudd) is a lost man who can't divorce his wife and is still at a loss from the death of his young son three years ago, because of a faulty parking break.
He used to be a writer but now is very desperate for a job so he manages to find one as a caregiver for the insolent teenager Trevor (Craig Roberts) who is affected with a muscular disorder, confining him to a wheelchair and limiting his lifespan severely.
Trevor's life is dictated by routine despite his dreams to see weird stuff, like the world's deepest pit. And finally, his wife loving but slightly overprotective mother Elsa (Jennifer Ehle) lets him go.
And so the road trip begins, and along the way they meet two interesting characters the unrecognizable Selena Gomez as chain-smoking Dot who thinks that Denver will launch her singing career and Peaches (Megan Ferguson) whose car broke down when she is trying to get back home to her mother to have her baby while her husband is overseas, though I can't tell if she's lying or just not a good actress.
The trip continues and they meet Trevor's father which doesn't go well but the pit is actually a sight to behold and Ben faces his demons and helps deliver Peaches's baby. Dot reconnects with her father and he takes her the rest of the way to Denver.
Ben and Trevor return home and Ben finally signs the divorce papers and rekindles his writing career inspired by Trevor.
The film is simple but largely enjoyable though I find it unrealistic that they would have run into Dot's character twice , but the scenes with her and Trevor are probably the best of the film, as Paul Rudd, who hasn't aged in twenty years, has had better roles in better films (such as Clueless).
Still, it is nice seeing a film that deals with disabilities, I just wish the actor actually had that disease, that would have something truly amazing. Grade: B

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