Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Middle: Dental Hijinks

Mike (Neil Flynn) can certainly handle his pain. Frankie (Patricia Heaton) claims to her boss, Dr. Goodwin (Jack MacBrayer) that Mike has a sore tooth and has had one for weeks, but he never complains and Mike won't see anyone about it. But he gives in and then forces Dr. Goodwin to lie to Frankie about it; they get a beer instead but Dr. Goodwin. The lie grows into something bigger and bigger until Mike can't handle the pressure anymore and finally actually gives in and lets Dr. Goodwin drill in his mouth.
Axl (Charlie McDermott), Hutch (Alphonso McAuley) and Kenny (Tommy Bechtold) decide that it is finally time to sell the Winnebago as they can't take it with them, so after their last rager, they find some freshman, eerily similar to themselves who are eager to take it off their hands. However, they soon regret that decision as that means they won't be able to spend the last three months of college together so Axl lies to the freshman, saying that they would need to be responsible for all the unpaid parking tickets if they bought it so the legend will live on for a few more months. I think that was probably also a good idea in the long run, as Axl won't have as great of a future that he wanted and plans on having.
Sue (Eden Sher) desperately wants a man. And she has finally settled on one: Tyler (Keaton Savage), who drives the golf cart around campus, giving both the injured and intoxicated a ride around. Of course, Jeremy (Will Camp) tries to ruin things at first but Tyler still nevertheless invites Sue over to watch a movie with him and his girlfriend, Julia (Jesse Sherman) who is nice, but notices that Tyler doesn't like her much anymore.
Naturally, Sue is devastated about this and doesn't really want anything to do with him anymore but Tyler informs her that Julia broke up with him because she feels that he likes someone else. Sue takes this the wrong way, not understanding that it is she. At least this one has a nice ending. Sue just might get that boyfriend she so desperately craves. It must be nice getting what you want.
Brick's (Atticus Shaffer's) plot line is thin. He is attempting to write the next Hamilton, but this time it would be a Scottish rap about his own personal hero, Sir Charles McKenzie. It actually isn't completely horrible, but it isn't selected to be the next musical at the high school, but he won't give up until it is a hit.
Though I prefer the plot lines to converge into something special, this one was nice, with some fine performances by the guest stars and Tyler is an interesting character and now we will be seeing more of him. I still like Lexie (Danielle Bodadilla) better. Grade: B+
Side Notes:
-It is never a good idea to talk to a guy about how heavy your periods are.
-Beverages and food are not included at the annual Bago bash.
-Chips need to accompanied by their respective dips.
-Sue is like me, whenever people are smoking something around her, she holds her breath until she can't anymore.
-Tyler also isn't into parties. He likes a quiet dinner and Netflix. He fully admits that he is basically forty. Me too.
-Jeremy is only in that one scene but it is hilarious. He hasn't had the energy to chain himself to anything in months and probably ate real meat. Sue fracked his heart and the meat was imitation, just like her love. And when he needs to puke, he must do it on the eco-on building so it will mean something.
-Sue can't believe she hasn't thought of mixing M+Ms with popcorn as Julia did.
-Frankie will get the code to the key pad so she can use the side door and not have to walk as much.
-Also, Sue, you don't need a man. They aren't necessary. And you're lucky, you always find nice guys who respect you. I haven't been that lucky. In fact, I wasn't even kissed for the first time until I was twenty-five. And yet, I'm better off without them. And now that you have a boyfriend, Sue, don't forget about your truly wonderful friends.
-Trying is a win for a Heck.

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