Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Middle: Halloween VIII: Orson Murder Mystery

Well, the Hecks are crazy. Sure, they bough a house with cracked foundation and dangerous wires, but also one where a dead body was found.
Years ago, the owner,  Claudia Tucker, age 40, was found in the bathtub, deceased. Mike (Neil Flynn) knew all along and Frankie (Patricia Heaton) is pissed. And it's in her bathtub, she's grossed out. She informs Brick (Atticus Shaffer) that he will have to share the death bathroom with Mike. And the plot thickens. Sure, her death is ruled an accident, but why was her husband out golfing in March? And why is the date of her death different in the news article from her obituary? So they head out to the cemetery and discover that her grave stone states two days after the original news article. They also discover Claudia's husband's tombstone. And he got remarried, to her sister. Yeah, that's right. So they confront the widow and fortunately, she's all too willing to gush about her deceased sister and how broken-hearted she and the husband were when she passed. Turns out, Claudia always had a weak heart and just wanted to live to see her fortieth birthday which is why her husband fudged the date in the paper, just so she could make it to forty. Frankie realizes how crazy she was though Brick doesn't pick up on it.
In the meantime, Sue (Eden Sher) is thrilled to be going to a party with Axl (Charlie McDermott) and Lexie (Daniela Bobadilla), even though she is always the third wheel. In this case, it's literal. She somehow creates a huge film reel costume to go to the party with Donnie and Marie Osmond, aka Axl and Lexie. They think they have such a cute couples costume, until Frankie and Mike point out that they are brother and sister. It does gross them out at first, though they eventually are just thrilled to be alone, making out in the death tub. Axl wants Lexie to tell Sue to leave them alone so he doesn't have to be the bad guy, because he's always the bad guy.
And then Sue has a breakdown in front of Mike. She wants to kiss someone and who can blame her? Though she likes spending time with them, it only reminds her more of how alone she is. Axl does confront her and at first, she assumes that Axl would want to spend more time with Lexie but not to worry, she likes the laundry mat fine, as it is always warm and she likes the smell of dryer sheets. But no, he means something else. They should spend more time together and she happily agrees.
Though this was a good episode, there was an inconsistency and that is not something they can get away with. The door knob was acting oddly the whole episode and breaks off and Mike shoves it aside and then, only moments later, without the door knob being fixed, Axl just flings the door open. That being said, this was still a good episode and it was funny and sweet. I like seeing nice Axl and Sue, I certainly feel your pain. Plus, the mystery part was interesting. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-Thank goodness Axl never farts on Sue's head when he's around Lexie. That would certainly be a turn-off.
-Lexie has finally built up a tolerance to the Heck house.
-When Axl and Sue get together for lunch, they won't even need to buy it because some kids forget their lunch on the bus. After all, he does have time between his morning and afternoon routes.
-Sue, don't ever underestimate the power of the laundry mat. I was picked up twice there myself. And it wasn't when I was in college.
-Turns out that the Hecks have been underpaying their water bill for years. They've been getting away with murder, apparently.
-That microfiche machine certainly comes in handy.

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