Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Middle: New Year's Revelations

Well, apparently Sue (Eden Sher) has had a slight crush on Sean (Beau Wirick) all along, which is news to me, considering she was basically engaged to Darrin (the unseen John Gammon) back in high school and then she was away at college and dated that safe rides driver briefly. However, she remains unsure who started and ended the kiss and also, if you do like the person, apologizing afterwards is not a common practice, not that I have much experience having been kissed by precisely two men in my life. But apologies did not follow. So Sue and Brad (J. Brock Ciarlelli) hatch this brilliant plan to give the two another opportunity to kiss to see what happens. Even Frankie (Patricia Heaton) is on board, insisting on lighting the bathroom candle.
So the party does happen and it is interesting how many people Frankie can dig up at the last minute, I wish I was that lucky. But there are many obstacles standing in the way of them getting to kiss each other at midnight, including Sue's boyfriend, Aidan (Jackson White) leaving Sean fuming.
In the meantime, Mike (Neil Flynn) is upset that his father (John Cullen) gave him a trip as a present and the destination is unknown. Mike forces his sons to come with him and they are more than just a little reluctant. The trip is pretty interesting with Brick (Atticus Shaffer) and Axl (Charlie McDermott) dropping hints about five dollars just doesn't cut it anymore. Big Mike, normally a man of few words, just starts talking and, for once, doesn't shut up. He tells stories of his youth and when Mike was a baby and then points to a random tree and asks Mike to pull over because that is where he's going to die. I just laughed, thinking that that was the most ridiculous thing ever, but he was dead serious and though Brick and Axl plead with him to change his mind, Mike just leaves him there, just to scare him.
Though Big Mike is ready to die as he doesn't want to be a bother, Mike tosses those words right back to him, saying that him dying would be a bigger bother as he would have to pick out a coffin, plan a funeral and would have to store his body until the ground thaws out so Big Mike changes his mind. He won't die yet, thank goodness. And it brings Axl and Brick the thought of spending more time with him as he does have good stories even though there is no chance they won't be idiots.
The episode ends with a threat, Sean snaps to Axl that he likes Sue and is not going down without a fight. Okay, the next couple episodes should be pretty interesting.
Now, while I'm not completely on board with those two, it will be fascinating to see how this plays out, because I do want everyone to have a happy ending though I don't see how that is possible at this point, plus this episode had some truly funny moments. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-Frankie is on a new hormone that gave her a burst of energy.
-She goes to Curves to have her picture taken for her membership so she can park in that parking lot and go to the donut shop across the street, which is a good use of a membership fee.
-Brick and Axl probably wouldn't make good fathers.
-Big Mike does have some interesting stories, including thumb wrestling a policewoman to get out of a speeding ticket and dancing with his depressed wife after Mike was born.
-Carly (Blaine Saunders) makes an appearance but Frankie quickly shoos her away as that baby needs attention. Is she serious or just making a lame excuse for her to leave and unavailable for Sean to have a crush on? I can't tell.
-Brad is starting to like his Christmas present from his dad.
-Nancy (Jen Ray) just might kill Frankie if the Hecks throw a Valentine's Day party.
-Mike returns home and goes to bed straightaway.

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