Sunday, May 6, 2018

Call the Midwife: Season Seven Recap and Reaction

This was, overall, a depressing season. From the very beginning, we have a new mother suffer a stroke just days after giving birth, there's a mother who is diagnosed with Huntington's Disease which does not have a cure, and a woman who would literally pick suicide over giving birth again.
Trixie (Helen George) returns to drinking after urging her lover, the dentist Christopher (Jack Hawkins) to return to his ex-wife as that is what will be good for his young daughter. Though I understand where she is coming from, I disagree. It will not be good for the child if both of her parents are deeply unhappy and his ex-wife sounds like a piece of work.
But that is far better than Barbara's (Charlotte Ritchie's) fate. She returns home with her new husband, Tom (Jack Ashton) all starry-eyed and then they kill her off by infecting her with septicemia. Why do they bring her back only to kill her off so quickly? Tom is naturally distraught, and who can blame him? This was the love of his life. I hope they don't have him get back together with Trixie, because they just won't work.
We do have a new nurse, all the way from Jamaica, Nurse Lucille Anderson (Leonie Elliott) and she is a welcome change but we still need to delve into her background more as well as Valerie's (Jennifer Kirby's) but there is always next season.
The Turners (Stephen McGann and Laura Main) get an au pair, only to have her written off by inducing a miscarriage on herself, which was just foolish of the show. Why would they bring on a character, in such a major role only to have her around for just two episodes? The kids don't seem to suffer without her though we rarely see the Turner baby (named Teddy) afterward.
Though this is by far the most depressing season yet, with few happy endings, it is still great performances from both series regulars and guest stars. The casting is so, so good. The editing is flawless and there is not a note out of place with the sets, costumes and hairstyles. This show is surrounded by some of the best in the business. And though the endings are not happy, the characters do the best they can with what they have. I wish I could be that optimistic with my own life. Grade: B+

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