Friday, June 29, 2018

Novitiate (2017)

1964: Vatican II has just passed and the Catholic Church seems to be moving forward, but in the Convent of the Rose, time stands still. Here, young women are preparing to take their vows to become nuns. Cathleen (Margaret Qually) is one of them. She is different from most of them, having not been raised Catholic. In fact, her mother (Julianne Nicholson, great) isn't terribly supportive of her daughter's wishes, but loves her fiercely regardless.
Cathleen loves God devotedly and is probably the most devote in the convent. And becoming a nun is not an easy process, the extended periods of silence and those are something that cannot be broken. You walk with your head down and there is not physical contact of any kind. Reverend Mother (Melissa Leo) is also pretty cruel and it only gets worse. She refuses to adapt with the changes, as nuns as no part in making them, and she's right. They were created by a group of men, priests.
Nuns no longer need to wear their habits and are now considered no more holy than a lay person. She is truly devastated when she is forced to enact these changes. Their whole lifestyle is changing.
Cathleen also undergoes some changes when a new novice arrives, Sister Emanual (Rebecca Dayan). She finally has feelings for something in the flesh. Before, she never considered dating or anything and she tries to stave off her feelings. She starves herself, passing out and her mother is concerned when she visits.
It isn't until Cathleen passes out that things come to a boiling point with Emanual. And she finally has much needed human contact and feels guilty, sobbing in the session with Reverend Mother. Nevertheless, she prepares to take her final vows, but she seeks something more and who can blame her?
Though this film is depressing, it is well done and Leo is a force to be reckoned with, nasty and sympathetic all at the same time. Qualley should also have a good career. Dianna Argon is also good in her small role, as a young nun who dares to question Reverend Mother. I just don't understand why Reverend Mother can hand out penances as she is not a priest and no one should speak for God. Grade: B+

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