Friday, August 10, 2018

Chappaquiddick (2018)

Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) would never become president and after watching this, he should have never been re-elected senator.
While most of America has their eyes peeled to the TV as the astronauts are heading to the moon, Ted Kennedy heads to Martha's Vineyard for the annual regatta. That evening, he and his cousin, Joseph Gargan (Ed Helms) host a party for some of the Kennedy secretaries including Rachel (Olivia Thirlby) and Mary Jo Kopechne (Kate Mara) whom Teddy tries to convince to come back and work for the Kennedys. The night ends in tragedy as Teddy has had too much to drink and swerves off a bridge, causing Mary Jo to drown in the pond. How Teddy survives with no more than a scratch is a miracle but then the cover-up and lies surrounding the incident are unacceptable. Teddy doesn't immediately call the cops, instead going back and telling his cousin and the State Attorney General, Paul Markham (Jim Gaffigan) both of whom urge him to report it. But he doesn't. His father, Joe Kennedy (Bruce Dern) mutters "Alibi" and at first, Teddy does try to cover it up in his own odd way, trying to say that Mary Jo was driving. He doesn't stick with that story but instead, he had a concussion, which could have been the truth if they actually consulted a physician. Oh, and you never give sedatives to a concussion victim, sleeping is one of the worst things for them, which all the experts should have known.
They manipulate the story but fortunately the moon landing takes some of the sweat off Teddy, at least temporarily but then it in the front pages for the rest of week. Joe is livid with how this is being handled and nearly leaves until Teddy asks him to draft a resignation speech which he does.
Through the handling, there is no autopsy of Mary Jo but Teddy does go to her funeral and her parents don't appear to blame Teddy, which I don't necessarily understand, though that neck brace was in poor taste. The court date is moved up and Teddy pleads guilty to leaving the scene of an accident but his two month jail sentence is suspended which is not acceptable. And he remains senator for forty more years until he dies. But he doesn't get elected President.
Overall, the film is very well put together and it really shows how the atmosphere was. Now, Teddy would have never gotten away with that, people would have requested his head on a platter. Clarke is pretty good in his role though his accent waivers slightly throughout but he is Australian portraying an America though he absolutely looks the part. It is such a well-done film about a horrible chapter in the Kennedy family legacy. Grade: B+

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