Monday, December 24, 2018

The Favourite (2018)

This film is truly bizarre but you should see it anyway solely for the three brilliant performances of its leads.
Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) has numerous health problems, namely numerous painful sores on her legs and she is still wallowing in grief having buried all seventeen of her children (most died as newborns, her oldest died at age 8). Her husband is never mentioned, but one can assume he died also. Given her poor health, she relies on her right-hand man, Sarah (Rachel Weisz) for advice and affection. However, Sarah often makes decisions that are not hers to make as she is not the Queen. There is a war going on between France and England and Queen Anne makes her decisions without doing her own research but depending on others to provide her with the whole story which is never the  case, everything she is given one-sided only.
Everything changes when Sarah's woebegone cousin, who has fallen from grace and doesn't know the basics of being a scullery maid, arrives. Abigail (Emma Stone) used to be a lady but her father lost her in a simple game of cards but she is determined to fight her way back to the top which is what happens. She is manipulating and filled with evil machinations just as Sarah is. Abigail slowly takes Sarah down as the film progresses and eventually becomes a lady again and the Queen's chambermaid but she will never have the power of Queen Anne and is probably upset that for some time, she will have to spend time petting bunnies (I don't know how the bunny torture scene was done without harming the bunnies.) and rubbing the sores on Queen Anne's legs which despite everything she's gained, still cannot be that fun. Okay, the bunnies would be fine but not rubbing the sores.
Each woman is greedy and power hungry and use the situation to their advantage to mixed results.
While the film may not be the most historically accurate, as both Sarah and Abigail sleep with Anne, it is great to see the men ultimately have very little power, they certainly do have some but everything rests with who has Queen Anne's ear.
Now, the film is absolutely bizarre, like that one ridiculous scene with tomatoes being thrown at a naked guy in a wig for an unknown reason though he does seem to be enjoying it. And the 'c' word is used liberally throughout. The score is often overpowering but the interesting story and performances will always make this film worth seeing. The unique camera angles are also a great surprise. It is a crazy ride but one worth going on. Grade: A-

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