Saturday, February 16, 2019

Isn't It Romantic (2019)

Now, I went into this film with high hopes and unfortunately, I was let down.
Rebel Wilson is utterly brilliant as the anti-rom-com heroine, just trying to get through the day alive, surviving her gross apartment and job where she is underappreciated and despite her position (she has an assistant, after all), most of the men believe she's only around to fetch them coffee.
The mugging scene was a little odd, I mean, why in the world did the mugger select her specifically? Was it because he thought she'd be an easy target because of her weight, because if so, he was beyond incorrect. And her purse doesn't break throughout the difficult struggle.
When she wakes up in the hospital, Natalie (Wilson) has been transformed into a cheesy rom-com, with no cursing and minimal skin. Her wealthy boss, Blake (Liam Hemsworth) truly shows an interest in her but he is hiding secrets and likely has a controlling father, not to mention, his true colors eventually come out and boy is he ever an asshole in both worlds.
And then there's Josh (Adam Devine) who is the cute, funny, supportive best friend whom Natalie keeps friends zoning for whatever reason, likely because she's just too scared of love.
Sure, in typical fashion, she fights for Josh when she finally realizes that she loves him but in the end, she realizes that self-love is all that matters.
I found the rom-com world just ridiculous, with flower petals falling to form Blake's phone number, please that is just stupid and far-fetched. That world is sugar-coated with hearts and Blake blows kisses to Natalie all the time, but he's also a jerk, just a sneaky one.
The real world is far more realistic, with Natalie's dirty dog (literally, her pet Baxter seriously needs a bath) and fizzy hair, dusty apartment, but she still has that best friend with whom she's secretly in love with and a great career where she's finally being appreciated. Her life was a rom-com all along, and still a million times better than mine will ever be. I will never fall in love with my best friend (probably because I don't have any guy friends and I prefer men) nor do I flirt with any of my co-workers (mostly because it isn't professional, partly because no one is interested in me). However, that doesn't matter, I do like myself and wouldn't really a change a thing though I would love to be part a big-budget Hollywood music number.
Also, pay attention to Betty Gilpin (from the great Netflix show Glow) as Whitney, Natalie's best friend/rival/assistant, she steals severe scenes.
Overall, the film is well done (with only one inconsistency) and I could have listed to Natalie bash rom-coms all day long. And the musical numbers were great. Grade: B

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