Friday, February 28, 2020

The Good Liar (2019)

This is a good, average sort of film until the final thrilling third act.
Roy (Ian McKellen) and Betty (Helen Mirren) have both lost their life partners and are looking for companionship and they find solace in each other.
But Roy has double life. He steals investment money from those who believed that he was their friend. Only Betty's grandson, Stephen (Russell Tovey) sees through him but even after it is revealed that Roy stole his identity from his dead British counterpart and is actually German, Betty still stands by him.
But after Betty transfers all her money into a joint account with Roy, he leaves never to return, but Betty bests him, stealing the transfer pad.
Roy risks everything to come back for it, but he finds Betty's quaint cottage stripped bare. Roy may have thought that he was a good liar but Betty was better. She also was German and Roy (when he was Hans) was her English tutor who was a troubled youth, raping when Betty, back when she was Lili. So, yeah, she played him all along and got revenge, which was oh so sweet.
While the plot did get boring in the middle, the twist ending was just so good, it made me almost forget about all the tedious parts despite the murder by subway. But it gave Mirren and McKellen a chance to shine and they were brilliant. And the woman wins. Grade: B+
Side Notes:
-Jim Carter is also solid as Roy's financial adviser, though he also turned on him in the end.
-I wonder when Hans changed from being a dick to being a human being that can pass as normal.
-At least Lili (Nell Williams) didn't become pregnant from the rape. Small mercies.

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