Saturday, April 4, 2020

127 Hours (2010)

James Franco is so good in this film, I can almost forgive him for the wretched hosting gig at the Oscars in 2011. Almost. 
James Franco is basically a one-man show as adventurer Aron Ralston who decides to go hiking in the canyons in Utah on a rather warm April day.
Everything seems to be going fine, even accidentally diving with some random girls before a rock slips, crushing his right arm between this large boulder-sized rock and the cave, meaning Aron is stuck.
The majority of the film takes place either in Aron's mind and in that gap between cliffs and is is very realistic down to the gruesome scene where Aron cuts off his own arm.
Now, to be fair just as in Apollo 13, the film is spoiled in the beginning as it is based on Aron's memoir, meaning that he survives though you don't fully understand how as he has limited water, has to cut off his own arm and then drinks his urine and after he finally escapes, he drinks this dirty water, which is enough to make me gag. But he survives, thank goodness. And now, he always tell his wife (he got married after the timeline of the movie) where he's going, so he at least learned one lesson from his hellish ordeal.
While the film is simple, it still was rather intricate as some of the camera angles are from inside the water bag or bottle showing just how essential water is to the human body, which is absolutely is.
Also of note, Danny Boyle directed this film and it couldn't be any more different from Slumdog Millionaire, which is a true masterpiece. But both of films of survivors and both are worth watching. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-I wonder how low and desperate I would be to drink my own urine and blood.
-Also, it must have been difficult to eat your contacts and that leads me to wonder how difficult it would have for Aron to see his surroundings afterwards.
-This film occurs in 2003, but it doesn't appear that Aron brought a cell phone with him. To be fair, it probably wouldn't have had a signal, but he still should have had one with him.
-I guess the crazy rainstorm was all in his head.

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