Friday, May 15, 2020

Blue Sky (1994)

This is the little seen film that won Jessica Lange her second Oscar.
She shines as Carly Marshall, the sexpot wife of Army Corporal Hank Marshall (Tommy Lee Jones). She's probably slightly bipolar and loves being the center of attention but she's no pushover. And while she might stray, having an affair with the jackass General Johnson (Powers Boothe), she does utterly adore her husband.
While there is a lot of build up, the more important plot centers around Hank's job of nuclear testing for radiation, and two citizens accidentally wander into a testing site and get burned both literally and figuratively. But he can't tell anyone and that kills him. Despite to save his name, Carly first gets Hank committed to the mental hospital, but quickly regrets her decision so she risks her own life and reputation to save his but it works, forcing you to wonder if her decisions were correct.
Fortunately, Hank decides to leave the army and pursue teaching inside, which is probably a good decision considering the army nearly ruined his life.
Now, the film is far from perfect. Both of the Marshall daughters (Amy Locane, before she got arrested and the younger Anna Klemp) have personalities but don't have much to do other than keep their mother out of trouble and the budding relationship between Alex (Locane) and Johnson's son, Glenn (Chris O'Donnell) is underdeveloped. And the plot is sort of a bait and switch, though I liked that part. And Lange truly shines in this little jem.
Sure, I don't feel that they explained the year and period properly as this film occurs in the 1960s but integration has already occurred on the Alabama army base so I don't know if that's accurate or not. And when Carly gets injured (she goes though a glass door), her back legs are injured but they still have her laying on her back at the hospital which just doesn't make any sense to me either.  Still, it was a good enough film to be watched again. Grade: B+
Side Notes:
-Carrie Snodgrass is good in her small role of General Johnson's wife, Vera.
-We do truly need more on Carly's background and why she ran away from home and keeps lying about her background.

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