Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Cry in the Dark (1988)

 You really should have zipped up that tent, Meryl. It likely would have saved you a bunch of problems and your baby might still be alive. 

From the moment Lindy Chamberlain (Meryl Streep) screeches "That dingo's got my baby," everything is under scrutiny. The media instantly takes everything the Chamberlains say and twists it, turning them into the villains of their own story, First, they are found to have no involvement in baby Azalea's death, but then the case is reopened and Lindy is put on trial. What ensues is one of the great courtroom dramas of all time. 

Despite not having a body, some of Azalea's clothes are uncovered and the crude forensics of the 1980s determine that it isn't likely a dingo is responsible for Azalea's death but the timeline and method proclaimed, that Lindy slit her daughter's throat with sewing scissors in a limited time frame, with her elder son by her side is completely ridiculous, she is nevertheless found guilty and gives birth to her second daughter behind bars. 

While Streep and Sam Neill's performance carries the film, it is also an interesting character study of how the Chamberlains rely on their faith to get them through this impossible time. They have both supporters and adversaries. The film shows random people reacting to how the trial is going. I feel that this should have never gone to trial and should have been chalked up as a tragic accident. Fortunately, the screenplay is tight and Streep and Neill have never been better. And it forces you to think how could an entire country condemn the couple for the disappearance of Azalea? Grade: A-

Side Notes:

-Props given to including the part where the nurse gives Lindy pills and a pump to dry up her milk. Breastfeeding is not something enough films discuss.

-Sam Neill's character, Michael, is an odd duck, breaking down on the stand, not comprehending the questions asked. He also doesn't seem supportive of Lindy during her pregnancy, but he loves her deeply and refuses her request to divorce her if she is convicted. 

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