Friday, February 5, 2021

Malcolm and Marie (2021)

 It is amazing that they were able to make a film during this wretched pandemic, and I give them credit for that. That being said, this film left no impression on me whatsoever.

Malcolm and Marie (John David Washington and Zendaya) arrive home from a premiere of his directorial debut, just smarting for a fight. And the film goes round and round, they both love and hate each other, and neither give the other one credit where credit is due. Marie is far more than the former drug addict and Malcolm is more than the director who channels actual events into his films. And just when you think they have worked through the fight, one of them brings up something else and the whole argument starts over again at the beginning and it never ends.

Just when you think that there is going to be a stellar open-ended ending, the film adds a ridiculous epilogue of sorts, losing any chance of this film being something different or special. 

While the performances are brilliant and the film is done well, filming in near real time, there is one line that stuck out, a film needs both heart and electricity to work and though this film had tons of electricity I found the heart in this film to be lacking. And that is never good. I just wish that this had been a play first, as then the plot would have gone better as this crescendos time and time again instead of slowing building to the climax which is just unfortunate as these two actors deserve far better than what they got. Grade: B-

Side Notes:

-It is never a good idea to bring up all of your ex-girlfriends at once and boy, does he have plenty of them.

-Marie enjoys the 'what ifs' of a relationship and a little mystery is often a good thing.

-Macaroni and cheese usually takes longer to make, just for the record. 

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