Friday, October 15, 2021

Silence of the Lambs (1991)

 So, I finally saw this movie, and it wasn't as scary as I anticipated. 

Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster, great) is a novice FBI officer, still in training when she's called to interview convicted and disgusting serial killer, Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins) in order to pump him for more information on another serial killer, Buffalo Bill (Ted Levine), who skins his victims after he kills them. Yeah, this film has a bunch of upstanding citizens in it. Still, it is solid, and the woman who would be Buffalo Bill's next victim does manage to survive, which is good, she was just trying to be nice and help him move some furniture, so lesson learned, don't be nice to people. Still, it is disturbing at how evil and intelligent Lector is and how quick he turns a situation on its head. 

Sure, the film is gritty and downright nasty at times, but Foster is brilliant and so is Hopkins, though his role is quite small, it is shocking that he won an Oscar for Best Actor as opposed to Best Supporting Actor, still, this film nevertheless made his career. While this film was quite good, I have no intentions of watching it again. Grade: A-

Side Notes:

-Brooke Smith plays the almost victim of Buffalo Bill, so it is surprising how she didn't notice the signs of a serial killer, considering she was married to one in the TV show Big Sky. 

-The lambs part comes in to play when Clarice describes her childhood to Lector. 

-Apparently, Buffalo Bill is also having issues his sexuality and gender.

-Clarice stumbles upon Buffalo Bill through a case of sheer dumb luck.

-It is a miracle that she's find as the FBI only had an inkling of where she'd be.

-Pay attention to Kasi Lemmons as Clarice's friend in Quantico, she's great in her small role. 

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