Monday, January 17, 2022

On the Rocks (2020)

 Okay, so there isn't much to say about this film. Laura (Rashida Jones) feels that she's grown boring since marrying Dean (Marlon Wayans) and when she lets it slip to her father, Felix (Bill Murray) that Dean's been traveling, he immediately assumes Dean is cheating on Laura and sets out to prove it, nearly take down her marriage with his wild hunch. But they do get to know each other better along the way. Felix is a giant child, suave and sincere but a giant child nevertheless, cheating on his wife because she no longer looked at him with her dreamy eyes, exhausted and busy with the kids, he wanted to have that glow again and so he sought it elsewhere. So yeah, scumbag. Fortunately, Dean is not cheating on Laura, thank goodness, and he manages to forgive her for buying into her father's crazy theory and Laura even manages to forgive her father because all he wanted was to spend time with her. 

So yeah, a pretty basic plot, but it was interesting at least because there was enough proof to believe that Dean was cheating on Laura though his reasons were also always plausible and the three actors deliver subtle but solid performances in a little trifle of a film. Grade: B

Side Notes:

-It must be nice having a babysitter in the same building as you.

-Theo is apparently a girl's name in this film, at least.

-Felix is an art dealer and it's true, he flirts with absolutely every woman he meets, even men to get out of a reckless driving ticket. 

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