Sunday, February 5, 2023

Captain Phillips (2013)

 Pros: This taunt thriller/action film/psychological drama has a tight screenplay with brilliant acting as you feel as though you are watching the capture of Maersk Alabama by jaded Somalian pirates right before your eyes. Tom Hanks harbors the vastly unknown cast with yet another one of his great performances, with the scene where he's in shock after being rescued goes down as the among the best scenes of his entire career. Barkhar Adbi was Oscar-nominated in his screen debut as the head pirate. But despite all their moxie and guns, they lose, and surely they knew that going in.

Cons: Seriously, you're going to cast Catherine Keener as Hanks's wife and then barely use her? That's utter ridiculous nonsense, she's too good of an actress to be relegated to a cameo role. And why weren't subtitles used? Still, overall, these are minor details in the grand scheme of things.

Recommend: Yes

Grade: A-

Side Notes:

-Perhaps the only flaw to Hanks's performance is his accent isn't steady throughout the film.

-Manhattan's Michael Chernus is great support for Hanks as the first mate of the cargo ship.

-I wonder what the true purpose the ship had to carrying $30,000 in the safe.

-Fire hoses are not a good defense against pirates.

-Three men ended up dying and Muse (Abdi) remains in prison.

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