Friday, May 19, 2023

Blinded by the Light (2019)

 Pros: An enjoyable little film comprised of a cast of largely unknown actors, this film would likely make The Boss proud, as his words inspire the son of an immigrant from Pakistan nearly halfway across the world. The acting was solid and I always like a film with a happy ending. 

Cons: Despite being utterly delightful, with great acting, I just felt like it was re-hashing tons of plots that have been done before, albeit never in this exact way, with Javed (Viviek Kaira) rebelling against his strict immigrant father, Malik (Kulvinder Ghir) in all the traditional ways before finally being forced to reconcile at the strict request of his mother, Noor (Meera Ganatra). And his friend, Roops (Aaron Phagura) is great in his few scenes before disappearing for a good portion of the film and then reappears just when he's needed, and he was a great character. I did feel that so many of the characters were painfully undeveloped, which is just a crying shame as they all had so much potential. 

Recommend: Maybe

Grade: B

Side Notes:

-Dean-Charles Chapman (from 1917) shines as Javed's British friend, Matt, who is both supportive and demanding of Javed. Even though he's in a band, you never actually hear them play. 

-Hayley Atwell is the supportive teacher or adult figure a film like this always needs.

-Nell Williams is the required love interest though she is great in her few scenes as someone who has a cause, trying to stand out while Javed is desperate to fit in. 

-Ripping up concert tickets is stupid as you can make more money back if you resell them later.

-I can't imagine loving anyone so much that I would see them 150 times. 

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