Saturday, November 11, 2023

Nyad (2023)

 Pros: Despite Diana Nyad (Annette Bening) being a controlling know-it-all, you can't help but root for her. She's strong and unstoppable and refuses to take any shit, though her life was far from easy, her father, whom she admired, walked out on the family and she (along with numerous others) was raped by her swimming coach. And she attempted to swim from Cuba to Miami before and now, she's thirty years older. But she sets out to accomplish her mission, nevertheless and you hope she succeeds. And when she does, you can't help but get emotional.

Cons: While there isn't a true con, this film just isn't as put together as some of the other great films from the summer (see Oppenheimer and Barbie), but fundamentally, it is a solid film and details how much time and far into the swim Nyad is.

Recommend: Yes

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-Jodie Foster and Rhys Irfans shine in strong supporting roles, as the best friend/coach and navigator respectively.

-Ironically enough, Diana's feat was never ratified and remains uncertified due to 'lack of witnesses' so I guess her team of 40 other people means nothing.

-Mary Oliver is a great inspiration and her childhood was oddly and tragically similar to Diana's. 

-Swimming for anything more than ten minutes is beyond my limited abilities. 

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