Friday, January 19, 2024

Rye Lane (2023)

 Pros: While this is ultimately a rom-com and has so many of the traditional tropes, it still manages to feel fresh, from the meet-cute between Yas (Vivian Orapah) and Dom (David Jonnson), who are as different as two people can be and both are dealing with the aftermath of a rough break-up for each of them, but they are drawn together nevertheless. The screenplay is clever and the two leads are brilliant and it isn't overly long so it's like goldilocks, it's just right.

Cons: It does start off weird, with some bizarre flashbacks or memories personified, but you eventually get used to it and those grand romantic gestures just don't happen in real life but it sure makes a good film.

Recommend: Yes

Grade: B+

Side Notes:

-Colin Firth makes a cameo appearance, it's great.

-Meeting each other forces the leads to grow-up which is so sweet.

-When asked Yas describes her relationship with Dom as low-key screwing, which is utterly hilarious.

-It is never appropriate to save your urine in old wine bottles.

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