Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Oscars

Sorry, guys. I know this seems super late, and it is. But that was out of my control.
First, I thought that Billy Crystal was a much better host than Anne Hathaway and James Franco, but the show still seemed to be lacking something, but I don't really know what. Some of the things in the show were great, though they had little to do with the actual awards, including the great Cirque du Soleil and Billy trying to read the audience's minds. However, having the cast of Best in Show voice their opinions at the end of The Wizard of Oz didn't work so well, it slowed the show down.The show, at least the first two hours, seemed to fly by, but the last hour dragged horribly despite having all the good awards. And why in the world did Angelina Jolie have to have her leg hanging out of her nice dress? It was totally unnecessary and a slutty move, if you ask me.
Now, to the actual awards. I was completely delighted when Jean Dujardin won, and he was likewise, excited as anything, though Natalie Portman was not a great presenter, despite being a good actress, she did not have much, if any, stage presence. Colin Firth, who presented the Best Actress Oscar, was considerably better. And then, Meryl Streep won, shocking many people including myself. She did give a good speech, much better than at the Golden Globes.
All-in-all, it was a good show, and at least it was unpredictable, unlike last year, but as much as I love Meryl, I'm not that happy that she won, mainly because, despite her great performance, the film itself was still dreadful. But I'll try and be happy for her, because she is happy. I guess that's enough.

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