Saturday, February 25, 2012


This is easily one of the saddest, if not the saddest episdoe of Glee ever. And it was Regionals week.
Here’s my take on the episode.
It began on a weird note. Sebastian of Wrabler’s fame. He now had somehow made nude pictures of Finn which he promised would be leaked if Rachel didn’t withdraw from McKinley. Naturally, this cased another disagreement between Finn and Rachel, but it, once again, didn’t last. Finn decided that he would prefer to win at Regionals than to have his private business still be kept to himself.
And then the tragedy came. While preparing for Regionals, we see that Karofsky (after news of his real sexuality were leaked at his new school), nearly hung himself. And cue the tears. This snaps everyone back to a sobering reality. Sebastian decides that in light of everything that had happened, he would not release the photos of Finn. Kurt felt guilty about the whole thing, having ignored all the calls he had received from him. Later, Kurt told Karofsky to look into the future, and I once again, nearly cried. Iit also forced everyone in New Directions to get serious, and they went around the circle to tell the others what they looked most forward too. Some were real, while others were funny. Mercedes, for example, couldn’t wait to meet Rachel Berry’s children. Rory, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to win at Regionals.
Now, to Regionals. (On a side note, Rachel decided that life was too short and told Finn that she wanted to marry him once they won at Regionals. And Quinn, reluctantly, gave them her blessing. ) The Wrablers were up first, and though they did well, and sang relevant songs, especially given everything that had recently happened, they weren’t as good as they had been when Blaine was in the group. As one review put it, Sebastian may have a great voice (and he does) but he lacks Blaine’s charisma (which couldn’t have been any more true). Then came this weird group, but we saw little of them. And then, to the New Directions, who sang three amazing numbers: Fly, Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) and Here’s to Us. All great songs, and two were great considering the recent events.  Fortunately, they won, and everyone cheered.  Even the Wrablers. It was a great moment.
Now, to Rachel’s and Finn’s wedding. All four of the respective parents still were less than pleased with the wedding and were trying to figure out a way to get out of it. Quinn, who had just been repointed to the Cheerios, had not yet arrived. And Rachel insisted on waiting for her.  In the meantime, Quinn was driving to get there, and opted to pick up her phone and text them back, as she did so, a truck slammed into her car. And the episode ended, just like that, with a horrid cliffhanger, leaving us to wonder if Quinn would survive and if Rachel and Finn would actually go through with their wedding.
The only other thing worthy of noting is that Sue somehow managed to become pregnant, leaving us to wonder over who the father may be.  Still, despite all the torturous cliffhangers, it was a great episode, with good songs done tastefully, and it made you cry without wrestling for the tears, they came naturally. Grade: A-

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