Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Avengers

This is another one of those movies I went to see because everyone else in the world went to see it this weekend, as it did earn over two hundred million dollars, making it the fastest movie to ever reach that huge sum!
Now, to be fair, I am not a huge fan of comic book movies, though this one was quite good. The cast was amazing, Robert Downey, Jr. (Ironman), Chris Evans (Captain America), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and the best of them all Mark Ruffalo (The Hulk). Though most were recreating their roles from previous films (which I have not seen), all were still great with funny lines and tons of fighting. However, there characters were basically one-dimensional, and there was no love story hidden between all the characters, or if there was, nothing happened. But maybe in the sequel, that will change.
The plot was fairly interesting, helped by the best nastiest villian ever, Loki, Thor's adopted brother portrayed by Tom Hiddleston who, in the first scene of the film, captures this powerful energy that can destroy or control the whole world. Through this, he also turns Hawkeye to the dark side, though, for me at least, it was unclear if he was ever fully on the good side to begin with. This was only a minor problem. Then, after finally assembling the entire team together, the battle begins, though there are hitches along the way. Number one, the heroes often have minor arguments, causing them to lose their concentration on the task at hand, and thus Loki can have time to plant on bomb on the flying ship and other crazy stuff like that. However, they pull together in the end to defeat Loki and his whole army of nasty space creatures, and (no spoiler) the avengers win. Thank goodness.
However, the film wasn't about the plot for me. There were funny lines every once in a while, and they were truly funny. But the special effects were amazing, after all, the Hulk was completely computer generated and amazing. The Hulk was also the best character in the film, and the one who helped defeat the alien creatures the best. All-in-all, the film was great, and I will gladly see it again. Grade: B+

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