Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Glee: Prom

Sorry, I haven't posted about this show in a while but now I'm back. However, this episode was not the greatest, but at least it wasn't the worst of the season.
It was prom time again, and apparently, at McKinley High, juniors can totally be on the prom court, and write-ins are acceptable. This year, New Directions was well-represented for the prom court, with Finn and Brittany in the running for king and Quinn and Santana in the running for queen. Things then got interested.
Finn, still having sympathy for Quinn, decided that they would team up and run together; Rachel got mad at this, and decided that she would throw the anti-prom party at a hotel (Santana screams at her, saying that she is selfish and cares only about herself). Thus she, Kurt, Blaine, Puck and Becky (devastated that she was not elected to be on prom court) join forces to make the evening enjoyable, though the whole thing is a bust, and they are just end up at the real prom in the end. After Finn discovers that Quinn can walk (barely), he gets mad, believing that she is lying about her condition just to gain the sympathy votes, and nearly gets kicked out of the prom again; however, this time he leaves on his own and gets Rachel (in a beautiful prom dress), Kurt and Blaine to go back. Becky and Puck stay put and begin a mean game of strip poker, and soon, Puck is in nothing but his underwear. I begin to get worried, and pray that they don't have sex. Fortunately, they don't, instead he makes her a make-shift crown so she can be the queen of the not-prom, before they too show up at the real prom.
In other news, Brittany, finally fulfilling her presidential duties, decides that the theme will be dinosaurs, and that is what it will be. Sue decides that both Quinn and Santana will count up the votes so no cheating occurs. Quinn wins, but by only one vote, and decides that she can't accept it, as she knows that she is somewhat lying to the public. In the end, Rachel gets the crown so she and Finn can be even more perfect. Life can once again go on, differently, as Rachel completely choked on her NYADA audition, but life is still moving forward.
For the side plot, Brittany banned hair gel from the prom, so we finally saw Blaine without it, and it was a nice change, though he was humiliated by the whole thing. Luckily, Brittany decided to make an exception for him, because even she could see that there was a problem.
Most of the songs were decent. Joe, Sam, Artie, Mike and Rory would make a great boy band, and Rachel can still really sing. However, Brittany's crazy Dinosaur song was interesting. I still haven't decided about it yet. Overall, the episode wasn't that great, I predicted that Quinn would feel bad for Rachel, especially after Rachel's speech to her, apologizing for getting jealous and saying that she still saw Quinn as perfect and that she would remember and be proudest of being friend's with her. Thus Quinn decided that Rachel deserved the crown more. The best moment of the episode was when Mike and Tina walked in and Mike's face lit up, saying how much he loved dinosaurs. I'm just saying, but they need more screen time. Next week, Lindsay Lohan shows up and the show is two hours long, so who knows what would happen. Grade: B

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