Saturday, September 29, 2012

Glee: Makeover

This episode was not great. I did not enjoy it. In theory, it wasn’t a bad episode, though the plot was good, the songs failed to impress me and some of the characters are just getting annoying.
In New York, Kurt finally landed his internship. Sarah Jessica Parker was well-cast as Isabelle Bright from Columbus. She is sweet and perky but unsure of her position. Though she had some great ideas, she just can't say no to people and business suffers because of it. Even after Kurt breaks into Vogue to get Rachel new clothes for her makeover, Isabelle is happy about the whole thing. She loves makeovers. The video that Kurt makes of Rachel is a hit with Vogue though it will all be re-shot with famous people. Kurt has finally made it, but in fashion, not on Broadway, which is his first dream.
Back in Ohio, it is time for Student President Elections. It's Brittany and Artie (but she forgot that they even went out for several months in season two) versus Blaine and Sam. Brittany is determined to win and though Artie brings the necessary brains to the party; she still ruins it by saying that she would cut summer vacation and weekends so they could spend more time together because she loves school so much. Artie mutters to himself that they just lost the election, which they did. Blaine won. Also, during the debate, Sam admits that he is not ashamed of his stripper past.
Still, Blaine misses Kurt and has joined many extracurricular activities to fill the void. He is upset and their relationship is headed toward disaster.
On the other hand, Rachel is heating things up (almost literally) with Brody. They had a hot debut number together and finally, she asked him out on a date. After a quick make-out session with him, the door bell rings and she opens the door and it's Finn. Wow, shocker. Their relationship is also headed toward disaster.
Overall, this episode ignored the newly created characters for this show, just when I was starting to like them. The songs weren't great. And for goodness sake, give Tina some screen time, she's been part of this show since season one, and has been ignored since then as well. And stop making Brittany seem so stupid, that is also getting on my nerves. Glee, you need to get better, or else I will stop watching. Grade: B

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