Friday, October 5, 2012

Glee: The Break-Up

Though critics may have loved this episode, I did not. It was only slightly better than last week's and that was because of the good songs.
First, Finn is back. Apparently, while cleaning his rifle (which he calls Rachel, because you're supposed to name it), it went off and thus he shot himself in the leg, though injuries were only minor, but that ended his career in the military. Now, he's been wandering around, lonely and lost. He's ashamed of himself. Rachel, despite her moment with Brody, is glad to see him and even insists that he come to all her classes with him. But that only makes him feel more lost and unsure of his future.
Kurt and Blaine are, likewise, having tons of relationship issues. Kurt just doesn't have the time to Blaine (also at McKinley, it's perfectly acceptable to talk on your cell phone in the hallway) and Blaine really misses Kurt, even though he basically forced him to journey to New York. So he simply hops on a plane and surprise visits Kurt, two weeks early. Then, the four of them go to a local karaoke bar and sing. Finn doesn't feel like singing so she sings a duet with Brody. The song is Demi Lovato's "Give Your Heart a Break" which I like, though I thought this duet was missing something. Then Blaine sang an acoustic version of "Teenage Dream" the first song he ever sang to Kurt two years ago. This was the worst scene of the episode. Blaine was trying to evoke tons of emotion but I thought he was trying too hard and the scene totally fell apart. It was completely overblown.
Afterwards, Rachel admits to Finn that she kissed Brody but that was all. Blaine, then, dropped the biggest bombshell yet, he had cheated on Kurt and Kurt was rightfully furious. Then, the four of them sang No Doubt's "Don't Speak", and performed it well. That next morning, Finn just disappeared and journeyed back to Lima. Rachel, who somehow managed to have the money to just jump on a flight and return to Lima, but she can't afford a better apartment, found Finn. She was less than pleased with him. Then came the best scene of the episode and one of Rachel's best scenes in the series. She told Finn that at first she was furious at him for forcing her to go to New York but then realized that only a real man would have done that, but now, slinking away in fame, he was no longer a man. He was also the first person that made her feel sexy. And no matter what happened, no matter where her career took her, she would always want him. He was also the first man that she had ever loved and she prayed he would be the last, but she couldn't do it anymore. After one last kiss, Rachel left. They joined Kurt and Blaine as one of the couples who called it quits.
Another couple did this as well. Santana always comes home to do her laundry so she will always have an excuse to see Brittany. Brittany really misses Santana and, though Santana feels the same way, they have to be in different places right now. After the second Taylor Swift song of the series, "Mine", Santana ends it with Brittany, though it appears to be temporary.
Will got the position he wanted as a role on the review board for art programs but it's in Washington D.C. and he wants Emma to join him, even though that means giving up her job for awhile. "But that's what ten-year's for," Will tries to justify his request. Emma is rightfully mad; she can't just gives up her life and follow him around like a puppy dog. Who knows where there relationship will take them.
Also at McKinley, the new couple, Kitty (who is borderline insane, as she fakes a rapture scene at a local restaurant to prove her point) and Jake break up. Jake tries to justify the reasons that he is with her to Marley, because he doesn't feel that he fits in with everyone else, he always feels that he belongs with her. Then, he breaks up with her, right in front of Marley. Kitty doesn't take it well, because she is like a bad Carrie Underwood song once she gets going. Though Marley immediately asks him out, he does shoot her down, which is good. I was yelling at her to do the same.
In other areas of interest, Finn returns to McKinley and advices Mr. Schuster that the musical should be Grease, and so it is. Finn will be directing in once Glee returns, in five weeks.
Though the episode was interesting and the songs were so much better than last week, I felt that this show focused too much on all the old characters without giving the new ones time to shine. I also hated what they did with Blaine's and Mr. Schuster's characters; the decisions seemed out of place. I really do have to have a serious talk with Ryan Murphy; he and I have some issues to work out. Still, the Grade is a B+.

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