Monday, January 21, 2013

Downton Abbey, Episode 4

This episode was sort of boring, I'm not going to lie.
Here tons of stuff did happen, but really nothing major. First, Bates has been deemed as a violent criminal by his nasty roommate, Craig so he is receiving no letters from Anna and Anna receives nothing from him and is getting quite upset about the whole thing. Luckily, the whole thing is sorted out simply by Bates placing something contraband under Craig's sheets. Thus, he gets his letters and Anna gets her, all is right in that little world. Thank goodness for that.
Also, Tom is officially an idiot. There I've said it. He used to be one of my favorite characters but not any more. He got involved in some dangerous activities (no surprise there) but it was dangerous enough that he had to flee the country immediately, leaving Sybil to follow. Robert was rightfully angry about that. Luckily, Sybil arrives the next day and they share a passionate kiss, too passionate than Tom deserved. Robert worked out a deal that nothing bad will happen to Tom unless he returns to Ireland, and then he will be immediately arrested. This doesn't sit well for him. Sybil wants something stable which Downton can provide. She wants the baby to be born there. Tom, please aside your desires for your cause and put your family first.
In the meantime, Matthew learned that the estate of Downton has been mismanaged but Robert doesn't seem too concerned with this, so I have a feeling that that will boil over soon. It was almost weird not having Mary and Matthew fight, something that I had gotten used to. Also, Mary is not pregnant yet, though she did go to the doctors, but it wasn't for anything major, just a hay fever. I wonder if this will soon become an issue. Also, Carson hired a new footman, Jimmy Kent, who is rather easy on the eyes and that includes Thomas's. Look for more action there.
The major plot line that closed up was Ethel giving her cute little son to the parents of his dead father, even though his grandfather is a nasty piece of work but does seem to love the little boy. It was a sad departure and it may or may not be the best thing as the grandfather is sour to all around him including Ethel. Hopefully now she can leave her dreaded past behind her and move on.
Edith also wrote a letter to a newspaper expressing her opinion on the fact that she can't vote. Good for her as she does need to find something to do with her time. Daisy was just about to express her feelings to Alfred (twice) but was interrupted by Mrs. Patmore and the second time, Mrs. Patmore introduces her new assistant to Daisy and Alfred also appears to like this new girl, Ivy as well. How many girls can he have a crush on at a time? But whatever, this just creates more crazy drama which can't be a bad thing. Hopefully the episodes after this one will build upon this one because nothing major happened. Still, it was a great way to spend my Sunday evening. Grade: B

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