Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oscar Predictions and My Wish List

The Oscar Nominations will be announced tomorrow morning and I will certainly be watching them. Now, for my predictions, which, as usual, are quite incomplete because I have not seen that many films.

Best Actor: I feel that Bradley Cooper (in Silver Linings Playbook) and Daniel Day-Lewis (in Lincoln) delivered the best performances of the year and both of them fully deserve nominations. When it comes to the win, I really can't choose as they were both so great, but I would give the slightest edge to Cooper because he is not the greatest actor (see He's Just Not that Into You) while Day-Lewis turns in good performances left and right (well, not really as he doesn't make that many films, but he was brilliant, utterly brilliant in My Left Foot, winning one of the most deserved Oscars of all-time). Denzel Washington was also great in Flight, and I'll be happy if he gets nominated, but he does not deserve to win, nor does Hugh Jackman of the upsetting Les Miserables. In fact, if Jackman does not get nominated, I won't be upset about it. Also expected to hear there name called tomorrow are John Hawkes in The Sessions and Joaquim Phoenix in The Master, both of which I have not seen.

Best Actress: This is easy (for me, at least). Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook, as her main competition (that I have seen) is Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games. If she wins, I'll be happy, if not, I guess I will have to see the film which won. Also likely candidates include Naomi Watts in The Impossible (one of the few films of the bunch that I actually do really want to see), Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty (which I really don't want to see despite the millions of awards that it is winning), Marion Cotillard in the french Rust and Bone and maybe Helen Mirren in Hitchcock.

Best Supporting Actor: Another crowded category. For the expected competitors, I have seen Alan Arkin in Argo, Robert De Niro in Silver Linings Playbook and Tommy Lee Jones in Lincoln. All of these are great, though I will be rooting for De Niro come Oscar night. Also expected to be nominated are Philip Seymour Hoffman in The Master and someone from Django Unchained, but there are three men in that movie fighting for the last spot, so who knows will win out.

Best Supporting Actress: I want Anne Hathaway to win for Les Miserables, as she saved the film from being a waste of my time. However, that being said, if Sally Field wins (going an improbable three-for-three) for her great turn in Lincoln, I won't lose too much sleep. Some are saying that Maggie Smith in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel will hear her name, and though I won't complain, I feel that Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy will hear her name instead. The other two spots will most likely belong to Amy Adams in The Master and Helen Hunt in The Sessions.

For the other categories, it is harder to judge. I expect Ben Affleck, Steven Spielberg, Kathryn Bigelow, David. O. Russell and Ang Lee for Best Director, while the Best Picture category is nearly impossible to predict as the number of films could be anywhere from just five to ten. Certainly Argo, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, Les Miserables, Life of Pi, Zero Dark Thirty, Django Unchained, Amour (another French film winning tons of awards), Moonrise Kingdom, and Beasts of the Southern Wild are among some of the most likely contenders. I would okay with Lincoln, Life of Pi and Silver Linings Playbook winning the coveted award, but I'll be rooting for Argo.

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