Monday, February 4, 2013

Downton Abbey, Episode 6

Well, it was sort of calm after the storm, but not really.
The episode picks up immediately after poor Sybil's funeral, with Robert and Cora still not speaking to each other, as she blames Robert for Cora's death, though she does admit that it probably affects him more because he is the whole reason she died.
Then their is also the baby to consider. At breakfast one morning, Robert asks Tom what he wants to call her and he says Sybil, which is just weird to me and sort of gross but whatever, that's what Tom wants. He also wants the baby to baptized Catholic which infuriates Robert so much that he even brings Reverend Travis to try and persuade him otherwise. Luckily, Mary (who didn't tick me off the whole episode) had a secret weapon. She knows that Sybil wanted the baby to be baptized Catholic because that was what Tom wanted. This pleases him immensely. Now, to the baby. She is barely seen, locked up in the room with her nurse. There is only one scene with her but Tom certainly does know how to hold a baby, even supporting her head.
Okay, now back to the main plots. Bates is still in jail and it looks like he might be in there for some time, but somehow the lawyer managed to get the main witness to change her statement so soon Mr. Bates will be released. That is truly good news because the family needs some good news at this point.
In addition to Robert being an idiot and whatever else he is, Carson is also horrible and unforgiving, not allowing anyone else to go to the Crawley house because Ethel works there. But Isobel insists on having the Crawley women over for a luncheon to get them out of themselves and after some initial reluctance, Cora agrees. Ethel also enlists Mrs. Patmore's help so she can cook something to Isobel's chagrin. Luckily, that goes well, but what doesn't go well is Robert's reaction. He storms in and insists that everyone (his wife, two daughters and mother) come with him because it is unseemly that they are in the company of a former prostitute. But the women stand their ground and stay put. Good for them.
Also downstairs, Thomas is growing closer to Jimmy, which angers Jimmy greatly. And now, Thomas basically told O'Brien that he likes Jimmy, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. The love square is getting squarer, with both Alfred and Jimmy interested in Daisy, though Jimmy also plays the piano, just like William used to do, but that doesn't bother her much. Ivy is only interested in Jimmy but he pays her little attention. In fact, Alfred has also lost points because he asked Daisy for some dancing lessons but Jimmy takes over and they are the ones that get caught by Carson, each receiving a nasty scolding. Also, Mr. Mason has offered to leave Daisy the farm and wants her to come live with him so he can show her the ropes, which is kind though it seemed slightly creepy to me but part of me wants her to that because, though she loves cooking, she needs a change.
That is pretty much the whole show, though Matthew and Robert continue butting heads over what should be done with the estate because Robert is an old stick in the mud. And in order for order to be restored, Violet asks Dr. Clarkson to lie to Robert and Cora, and tell them that Sybil would have died regardless of his interaction with the surgery. Though this is a lie, it works and hopefully the marriage will be saved.
Despite everything, including the crazy prison subplot, it was still a solid episode and it was also nice to not be angry at Mary, though I know it certainly won't last. I also wonder what Tom will do for the rest of his life as the family wants the baby, but he wants to take her with him though he will have to hire someone to look after her. I think Matthew is going to insist that Tom stays as they get along quite well. I also hope he stays. A good show nevertheless despite the underused baby. Grade: A-

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