Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Middle: The Smile

Though this episode didn't have Cassidy in it, it was still enjoyable and it had a happy ending.
First, Brick was quite desperate for an IPAD. Naturally, Frankie and Mike kept saying no despite his constant pleas until finally they did some research and realized that it wouldn't be too expensive so they ended up buying him one and he was delighted.
Sue had a teacher who finally noticed her but it wasn't in a good way. He scolded her for using different pen colors when writing a paper for his class. Now, she had to propose an experiment. She decided to figure out if smiling is contagious or not. However, the results were devastating. Except for her friend, Brad who is always smiling despite attending drama camp, no one else smiles back including this random baby who starts to cry upon seeing her smile. But in the end, in typical Sue style, she won't give up because it took Einstein ten years to prove that e equals mc squared.
Now to Axl (who is dressed up in as a baby for spirit week, which is the most awkward thing ever, especially after he says that he's going to be an adult about everything, yikes), after some time of his parents getting desperate to see if he had made it into college, finally receives an email telling him just that. Naturally, he is thrilled. At first, he was reluctant to join with his friends in the senior prank. (Cassidy is really having a good influence on him!) But after receiving his email for college, he decides to join them. They decide to turn the water tower Orson into Snorson. So they climb up there (Axl and Sean and Darrin) and my friends and I freak out, praying that he wouldn't get caught which would ruin his chances of college (not to mention also ruin his friends' lives) but Darrin had forgotten the paint, so they couldn't even go through with the prank. Instead, they remember the good times and can't believe that in a few short months, they will all be gone. Sadness.
Mike and Frankie didn't have much to do this episode, though Frankie did go after the mailman, convinced that the acceptance letter is somewhere in that mail truck. Even the dinner at Red Lobster, which Axl insisted upon so he can tell them his good news, but that doesn't go as planned because Brick continues to pester for the IPAD. He finally tells them before going to bed and they are so thrilled, just as any parent would be. Axl is finally growing up, but in a different way from last episode.
Now, to next week's Valentine's Day episode, I predict that someone will pop the L-bomb. I think that it will be Cassidy as Axl freaked out when Darrin told them (Axl and Sean) that he loved them. But I've been wrong before. Please let me know what you think will happen in the comments. Grade: A

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