Monday, March 4, 2013

Despicable Me (2010)

I finally saw this film and it was pretty good.
Mr. Gru (an unrecognizable Steve Carell) is a super-villain, or at least he tries to be, though he often fails at doing anything marvelously bad. He's also not really a bad guy at heart. His main goal is to obtain a shrink ray and build a space shuttle and fly to the moon and shrink it so he will have all the control he wants. However, to get the shrink ray, he needs to steal it back from the new super-villain on the block, Vector (Jason Segel). Gru also needs money, badly. To get the shrink ray, he decides to use three little girls, orphans, Margo, Edith and Agnes as pawns and turn their cookies into spies and while they deliver the cookies to him, Gru will sneak in and steal the shrink ray. Though this plan is successful, Gru doesn't know anything about dealing with children. His own mother (Julie Andrews) was distant from him and never showed any interest in all his wants and desires or accomplishments. However, soon he becomes more caught up in everything the girls are involved in, including their dance recital. His right-hand man, Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), thinks the girls are taking up too much of his time and distracting him from building the rocket so he makes a call and sends the girls back to the orphanage.
Gru ventures into space and succeeds in his mission but Vector immediately steals the shrunken moon back. Gru rushes back for the girls' recital but misses it. Vector has taken the girls into space. There is also a problem, because the moon is no longer in the sky, everything that has been shrunk starts to grow again, causing huge problems. Gru rescues the girls and promises to never leave them again; it was one of the worst mistakes of his life.
Then comes the happy ending. The moon is back in the sky and Gru is a doting father. Even his mother believes him to be just as good as her if not even better. Even the minions (all the little yellow people) that Gru has working for him are happy. Life is good.
There are some funny parts, mainly when Margo (Miranda Cosgrove) says that because Gru is bald, she thought something like Annie would happen, but that is not really the case. It was quite enjoyable, though the plot is fairly predictable, with only one real twist and turn and there were no creepy bugs in this one, so I'll gladly watch it again. Grade: A-

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