Sunday, March 31, 2013

Junior (1994)

This was the most awkward movie I have ever seen and I doubt that it can be beaten in that category.
Dr. Alexander Hesse (Arnold Schwarznegger) and Dr. Larry Arbogast (Danny DeVito) are working on an experiment which will reduce a woman's risk of having a miscarriage but then their funding is completely cut. Upset and desperate to continue, Larry comes up with the plan of testing on a human, but without FDA approval, this is impossible, unless they implant one of themselves. For some reason, Larry decides that Alex will be the one to get pregnant. First, he steals an egg, titled Junior. Dr. Diana Reddin) is working on her own experiment with freezing eggs. She was the one chosen to replace Alex and the university but she is the clumsiest woman on the face of this planet. When she first arrives, she lands on Alex because her egg market flies out of control. That's how they meet cute.
So Alex gets pregnant in one of the most awkward scenes ever when Danny DeVito tells Schwarznegger "Let's put a bun in your oven." But the crazy, insane plan actually works. And the results are great. The film gets crazier from here. Alex, a stiff board of a man, actually grows attached to his fetus. And, after the experiement is over, he doesn't stop taking the wonder drug and when Larry discovers this, he is less than pleased but decides that he will help him. But their is a villain in this film. It's the head of the university, Noah Baines (Frank Langella) who doesn't understand why the wonder drug is still being made and decides to investigate. Upon discovering what is really going on, he decides to take custody of Alex and the unborn fetus which Alex takes offense to and pushes Baines over and says that it's his body, his choice. Wow, a woman's right to choose, without ever saying that directly. After this incident, Alex dresses in drag and goes on a resort for the remainder of his pregnancy.
There is another problem. The egg Larry obtained wasn't an anonymous one. It is one of Diana's that she decided to freeze on her own so when Alex discovers that it is her egg, he is less than pleased and tells Diana everything. She freaks out as any person would. But Alex does like her and calls her throughout his stay at the resort and finally she comes around.
The other subplot involves Larry's ex-wife, Angela (Pamela Reed) who gets pregnant courtesy of a one-night stand. Larry is upset because they tried to get pregnant for seven years and failed. Angela also insists on having Larry as her doctor which is also weird but looks normal compared to the other plot.
When Alex goes into labor, he has to be sneaked into the hospital for an emergency c-section because Baines is outside waiting for him with all the media but he is made to look like a fool when Angela gets out of the car instead. But of course, while Larry is still operating on Alex, Angela goes into labor for real so Diana has to coach her through the whole thing.
Alex has a baby girl while Angela has a little boy and both couples get together for the typical happy ending. The problem? Alex and Diana decide to name their daughter Junior, completely ruining the moment for me. That is a horrible name for such a sweet baby; the little boy is named something normal: Jake.
The epilogue takes place on the babies' first birthdays, with the couples still together and Diana pregnant the old-fashioned way. Everything worked out which is good.
The whole concept is completely bizarre and biologically impossible. Other than that, it is the most awkward film ever and just hearing the words I'm pregnant coming out of the terminator's mouth causes me to squirm. Still, despite being a comedy, some serious issues are brought up. For example, only you should have control over your own body; no one else can tell you what you should do. But there still are some funny moments, the best of which is when Diana comes out of the bathroom with a piece of toilet paper still attached to her foot while she and Alex dance together. Still, though this film is fairly good with good performances all-around (there is no amount of money in the world that would make me dress up as a pregnant man in drag, so props to Schwarznegger). Yet, this film is one that I could barely make it through the first time so I will never watch it again because it is just too awkward. Grade: B

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