Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tangled (2010)

This is a pretty good film, though the actual story of Rapunzel is completely changed to make it family friendly.
The film's narrator is actually Flynn Rider (Zachary Levi), whose real name is Eugene Fitzherbert, but we don't find that out until later in the film. He is not a good guy, considering he is part of a band of thieves who steal the princess's crown of jewels right from the palace.
But the story isn't really about him; it's about Rapunzel (Mandy Moore). She is born a princess with a special power. Her hair has healing powers all because of a special flower which was cooked into a broth to cure her ailing mother while the mother was still pregnant with Rapunzel. But Gothel (Donna Murphy) has been hoarding the flower so she can stay forever young. So what choose does she have but to kidnap the baby Rapunzel? She does just that and locks her away in a tower so she can have her healing powers all to herself.
Rapunzel is bored with her life away from everyone else and longs to see the stars (actually lanterns) released every year on her birthday by the king and queen to remember her, but she has no idea that she is the lost princess.
Meanwhile, Flynn Rider is on the run and seeing the tower, he immediately climbs it only to reach the top and be knocked out by Rapunzel's frying pan. Determined to show Gothel that she can hold her own outside, Rapunzel shoves him away in her closet but Gothel doesn't want to hear anything so Rapunzel asks instead for a present that requires Gothel to travel far away and then blackmails Flynn Rider, saying he can only have his satchel back if he takes her to see the stars. After failing to win her over, he agrees and their journey begins.
Rapunzel delights in being outside, experiencing things that she never has before, but guilt often fills her though she refuses to give into this and continues. However, upon seeing a sign that has a picture of Flynn Rider who is wanted, she immediately fears for Rapunzel for whatever reason and rushes back to the tower, only to find her missing. Rapunzel's adventure just got a whole lot harder.
There first major challenge is running into a band of thugs, but Rapunzel brings out the fact that all of them have a dream and even uses her hair's powers for good, helping her and Flynn Rider get out of a nasty situation. Meanwhile, Gothel strikes up a deal with the two other thieves out for Flynn Rider.
After healing Flynn Rider's cut, she reveals her magical powers to him and tells him that's why she was in the tower all those years, to protect her powers. Too bad their moment of closeness is cut short as Gothel finds her daughter and warns her that Flynn Rider is a thief and convinces her that the romance Rapunzel believes she has found is all in her head, but Rapunzel doesn't want to go back and Gothel tosses her the crown, as that is the only reason why he is still with her.
Providing excellent comic relief is the horse out after Flynn Rider, but Rapunzel convinces the horse to wait until the following day because this is the most important day of her life, being her birthday and finally getting to see the lanterns. But fate has other plans. The moment starts out wonderful, with them in a boat, seeing the lanterns coming up from the palace in a lake, with Rapunzel worried that the moment won't live up to her expectations. Here they even share the best song of the film: At Last I See the Light. She even returns the crown to him because all of her fears are gone. But everything is not fine. Flynn Rider sees the men after him. He gives them back the crown, but that's not good enough for them. They intend to steal Rapunzel back for Gothel. And that's just what they do, letting her believe that Flynn Rider chose to leave her all on his own, but that is not the case. Upon realizing what has happened, Flynn immediately leaps off the boat to try and get her back, but by this time, Rapunzel has already gone back to Gothel's arms, feeling utterly betrayed by Flynn and devastated that all along, Gothel was right.
However, Rapunzel, in a moment that could have never happened, Rapunzel realizes that she is the lost princess and that her entire life has been a lie. Meanwhile, Flynn is rescued from prison by the kind hearted thugs they meant along the way, though he is about to be hanged, as it turns out the horse was behind the whole thing. Then everything turns sour, as Flynn arrives at the tower and climbs her hair, only to see Rapunzel tied up. Gothel stabs Flynn, and Rapunzel decides to make a bargain, if she can save Flynn, then she will remain with Gothel for the rest of her life. But Flynn decides against this, and instead chops off her hair, turning it brown without its special powers. Gothel ages rapidly and falls out of tower, dead, leaving Rapunzel to hold Flynn for his last moments as he tells her that she was his dream, cue the tears, on screen and off. But luckily, Rapunzel's tears have healing powers and they bring Flynn back to life. The happy ending is now in place. Rapunzel ends up with her true love, though he does not deserve it and she is also reunited with her parents whom she barely remembers and is once again the princess she was born to be. The reunion is especially moving, especially for an animated film, though they probably shouldn't have welcomed Flynn that easily into their lives. As Flynn puts it, Rapunzel is a princess worth waiting for and he goes by Eugene again and they all live happily ever after.
This film is far from perfect, considering how the love interest is not someone you can admire, being a felon and all, though he does mean well and truly is great for Rapunzel. But this is not what you should want for your daughter to see and shame on you, Disney for creating a love interest like that in a movie geared to young girls. I also refused to see this film for some time because they ruined the classic story of Rapunzel, where she secretly marries the prince, not a bandit and thief, and her stepmother discoveries this after Rapunzel can't tie up her dress (in other words, she is pregnant). She is banished and the prince, climbing up her cut hair is thrown off by the evil stepmother and is blinded. But this story does have a happy ending, with the prince being reunited with Rapunzel and her tears healing his blindness. She does end up a princess.
Having said that, this film is still quite watchable and has some very funny parts, mainly involving a frying pan and the animation is great, but the ending is still a little far-fetched with Rapunzel remembering events that she could never have remembered. Grade: B+

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