Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Middle: Dollar Days

This was an interesting episode.
First of all, Frankie graduated from Technical College and is now on the hunt for a job. However, her first interview goes horribly wrong. She can't describe herself and the kids are no help, describing her as lazy, angry and tired. Unfortunately, all of these are true. She even asks her mother (helping out at Aunt Edie's) for advice. Pat (Marsha Mason) says that she didn't give birth to average people. And Frankie eats this up but at least she has confidence for her next interview (plus a sip of wine). Ted (Jack MacBrayer) is an absent-minded dentist who hates interviews but after Frankie's disastrous interview, in which she describes herself as a mom, he eats it up and hires her. He loves his mother, plus he doesn't want to talk to anyone else. Frankie even lies and says that her children are best friends. But she has the job, he doesn't even blink when she mentions the sip of wine.
Brick has joined prairie scouts and promises that he won't quit this time. But the first leader is crazy, wanting to take the kids out to the middle of the woods and get lost. Mike is scared so he ends up taking over the troop and takes them camping. The kids are all the other kids from Brick's special class so throughout the night, Mike takes each one of them home, one because his white socks touched the ground, another talks super loud and yet another believes himself to be a cat. But Brick stays there throughout the night. He proved his father wrong; he is not a quitter.
Axl and his band get a paying gig. A super lame gig, but a gig nevertheless. However, Sue gets in the way, wanting to change the name of the band to DaSeanAx, combining all of their names instead of the former, Axl and the Axmen. Axl decides to quit the band because he just can't take the name change and Sue is Yokoing up the band, even though Sean is fine with it. Darrin (John Gammon) and Axl have a talk and Darrin is on Sue's side, saying that Axl is super mean to her and she has a lot to offer. Then they get into a fight. When Sue tries to stop it, Darrin, about ready to punch Axl, accidentally punches Sue. It was horrifying but sadly hilarious.  Sue does forgive him but says that Darrin and Axl have been friends forever and she doesn't want to come between them so she breaks up with him. She feels horrible because she's never done that before. Darrin informs her that she's done it right as he starts to cry. He, then, says that when he and Axl were six, they made a promise that a girl would never come between them, but that promise was a lot easier to make when they were six. Sue says that this is for the best because they are busy with stuff involved in their own grades, plus Darrin's bound to meet tons of girls at Air Conditioning College. But then they kiss, odd, I know and it hurt Sue's lip. Axl is somewhat upset to hear that Darrin and Sue will just be friends now but promises Sue that he will continue to be, well, not that nice to her, but only after her lip heals. Wow, I was quite upset that they broke up. Axl doesn't realize how lucky he is to have a sister like Sue who will sacrifice love for her brother's happiness. RIP Sarrin, RIP. It was nice while it lasted. I knew that they would probably break up but I never thought it would be because of Axl. How is his relationship still lasting? Axl, you owe Sue, big time.
Overall, this was good episode, with Brick finally getting a good plot line and Frankie finally entering the work force again, which should be interesting. I hope we see more of her crazy dentist boss. I have only one question: Cassidy, what in the world do you see in Axl? Grade: A-

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