Friday, September 13, 2013

Graceland: Season One Finale Recap and Reaction

This show had massive issues.
First of all, the tone varied widely between episodes and even between parts of each episodes. Often, the show was somber as it dealt with some serious issues and nasty crimes though there were lighthearted moments which tried and failed to take away the tension.
Mike (Aaron Tviet) is a new fresh FBI agent, the golden boy who is depressed about his assignment taking him away from the East Coast to faraway San Marino, California where is assigned to Graceland, a house where undercover agents live. Paul Briggs (Daniel Sunjata), Charlie (Vanessa Ferlito) and Johnny (Manny Montana) are also FBI while Paige (Serinda Swan) and Lauren (Scottie Thompson) are DEA and Dale "DJ" Jakes (Brandon Jay McLarden) is ICE.
The first four episodes deal with Lauren and her own personal agenda (remember when you were that pawn in season four of NCIS) who is determined to seek venegence for her partner's near murder. She puts the whole house at risk but it takes Briggs planting a bug under her car to get her kicked out the house.
The show then shifts gears to the FBI agents busting a drug ring wide open. This is Mike's pet project though he has issues with teaching criminals how to shoot illegal weapons and can't stand to see a man shoot himself in front of him, but he nevertheless forms a bond with Bello (Gbenga Akinnagbe) but once again, Briggs has his own agenda once again, even disguising himself as the elusive Odin (a man they desperately want but can't find) but this nearly blows up in his face.
However, the overall theme of the episodes and a twist which I didn't see coming, Mike's true job, aside from everything else, is to investigate Briggs. Briggs would always turn in less heroin that expected after a bust, plus, Mike learns from his handler (Pedro Pascal) that a house before Graceland was blown up, killing all five agents assigned there, except Briggs. Briggs has an explanation for everything-he was shot up with heroin by yet another drug dealer, Jangles (Vincent Laresca) and became addicted that way. Oh yes, and Mike discovered him at a NA meeting, which sent me for a loop.
After Mike breaks things off with his handler, Juan (the handler) turns up missing. Turns out, Briggs killed Juan while Juan went undercover as Jangles (for unknown reasons) and Briggs, depressed over Mike being stabbed, shoots and kills Juan and then covers up his crime. He later enlists the help of DJ (they go way back and Briggs even knows about DJ's illegitimate, secret love child) to uncover the tape that could link him to the crime.
Paige is first to know about Mike's big secret and naturally, she calls him out on being a rat and leaves him still near unconsciousness in the ER. But she later comes around. Charlie was the one he should have told as she was suspicious of Briggs for some time. He was the one who set up the incident in prison when Mike's cover was finally blown to Bello. Fortunately, Paige soon becomes one of Mike's biggest allies, helping him hunt Briggs while Briggs tries to uncover the tape which has gone missing.
Thanks to some handy work by Briggs, Jangles is found guilty of Juan's murder. Jangles is also revealed to be someone he is not. Charlie believed that he was part of the federale, but that is not the case. While hunting Briggs, Mike quickly shoots Jangles before he is shot himself.
The finale also reveals Mike gets his dream job back in DC but misses the family of Graceland. Some random boys find the tape in a pawn shop and take it. But what will they do with it? And Briggs calls up Mike to confess something important but then the show cuts off. What a great season finale.
Despite the plot holes and inconsistencies, the acting is usually pretty good. I mean, as good as it can be when your character changes often for no reason. Sunjata's best scene is when Jangles is torturing Charlie with Briggs watching. He is in totally agony and it shows on his face. The others also have their moments. Also of note, I liked Mike and his normal girlfriend, Abby (Jenn Proske) and was sad when they broke up but I don't blame her for being scared. Mike couldn't have a facebook and shouldn't have let in her in his bedroom where she wasn't supposed to be in the first place. I don't approve of Paige and Mike though they do share a kiss but Paige immediately breaks it off because he is lost. Which he is.
Overall, I watched this show because of Aaron Tviet though it did manage to keep my attention even when he wasn't on the screen but I wish his character was more likeable and that there was less ambiguity in the show as a whole but hopefully next season will be better. Grade: B-
-Interesting that Paige is undercover as someone's girlfriend but is not on birth control. Also, she pretends to be pregnant to find a person of interest. She also used the bump in her personal life. Deleted scene please.
-While investigating, Briggs and Charlie nearly had sex and Johnny and Paige had a bet to see if they would actually do it or not.
-Mike's past is not perfect, while still in high school, he stole a window display solely because he had to have that giant candy cane. He also played football.
-Johnny can make great pancakes; he should do that for a living instead.

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