Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trophy Wife: Pilot

Here is another interesting pilot.
Kate (Malin Ackerman) is a party girl, dancing and singing karaoke on stage with her best friend, Meg (Natalie Morales, from Parks and Recreation), but then she falls off stage and literally into the lap of Pete (Bradley Whitford). They both end up in the ER, where Kate gets to meet Pete's whole family: his second ex-wife, Jackie (Michaela Watkins), and his three kids, the twins Warren (Ryan Lee) and Hilliary (Gianna LaPera) and the adopted Bert (Albert Tsai). Then we also meet his first ex-wife, Diane (Marcia Gay Harden), a doctor.
Still, despite Kate's second hesitation, she goes out with him and they end up married, with Kate trying to play mom, and setting the smoke detector off. Hillary snaps at her, "No one expects you to be a mom," which is true, but Kate tries. And fails.
The teacher conference with Warren's teacher (The Office's Phyllis Smith) is a disaster, with Diane believing that Kate is the object of Warren's affection in a racy poem about Poseidon.
In the meantime, while Pete is attempting to put an easel together for his federal case, Jackie breaks into his house, though she uses hide a key, just swap out her dead hamster for the living one in the other cage just to make Pete look like the bad guy and then Pete's hamster escapes and Pete slams it died in the door.  The funniest part is when they go to buy new hamsters and Jackie pulls the dead one out of her purse and the pet shop owner snatches the cage away, not wanting his hamsters to have the same fate.
Also, Kate ends up drunk thanks to trying to protect Hillary from the wrath of Diane, though Hillary, fortunately, stops being a brat and tells the truth, that Kate was just trying to protect her, as Kate had told the story of putting vodka in water bottles. Pete is displeased so Hillary is punished, leaving Warren to go to the concert with a junior and one of Hillary's friends, not to mention his crush and the subject of the poem.
The chaos is intense, and Kate seems overwhelmed. Bert is also not to be pitied, if he doesn't get his way (though Meg was out of line leaving him alone in the car for that long a time), he can be manipulative and sneaky. His parents are also afraid of the truth, getting him a puppy instead of just telling him about his dead hamsters.
The show is well-acted, with Watkins as the new age, health nut ex-wife and Harden as the planner, perfectionist ex-wife, though it seems that neither of them are truly thrilled with Pete's choice of Kate. She's young, she will needs to prove herself. However, the show is not really that funny, but at least it explains the characters well in a plausible way.
The problem I have is that for whatever reason, LaPera will be replaced with someone else for the rest of the series, though that has been done before, I still am not thrilled. I'll have to see how that goes. Grade: B
Side Notes:
-The title is not that great, though who knows what Kate does for a living. Her job is never mentioned. Who knows if she even works.
-Warren is the Sue Heck of this show, with the trident to prove it. Another great line: "Buddy, leave the trident at home." Pete to Warren just before going to the concert.
-The show ends with Pete having bought tons of hide a keys just to watch Jackie struggle to find the right one and all the time, the house was left unlocked.
-I can't help but wonder why Pete's first two marriages didn't work out. I suppose the viewers will figure that out as the series continues.

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