Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jane the Virgin: Pilot

This was a delightful debut, certainly one of the strongest pilots I've seen.
Jane (Gina Rodriguez) has her life all planned out. She is waiting to have sex with her boyfriend, Michael (Brett Dier) because her grandmother (Ivonne Coll) has warned her throughout the years that once she loses her virginity, she will never be able to get it back. She is working hard as a waitress at a local hotel owned by Rafael (Justin Baldoni) whom Jane has kissed years ago, and she is also taking classes so she can become a teacher.
Unfortunately, life has other plans. Thanks to a frazzled and heart-broken gynecologist (and Rafael's sister), Dr. Alver inseminates Jane with Rafael's frozen sperm. She realizes her mistake almost immediately when she goes to see her next patient, Petra (Yael Grobglas), also Rafael's wife. But knowing that there is only a twenty percent chance that Jane will actually get pregnant, she says nothing, but that twenty percent takes hold.
Jane faints on a bus and thus goes to the hospital where she is informed that she is pregnant. Naturally, she doesn't believe the test and her mother, Xiomara (Andrea Navedo) insists that another one is taken but the result is the same. Her mother believes that it is an immaculate conception and starts praying at her daughter. Yet, at the same time, once the truth is revealed, she is fine with her daughter having the abortion, but everything is a lot more complicated.
Rafael is a cancer survivor and that is his only sperm, his only chance to have a biological child and Jane, herself, is the child of a teenage parent. Her mother was just sixteen when she had Jane and Alma (grandmother), despite being extremely religious, wanted her young daughter to have an abortion but luckily that didn't happen, though now she is forced to live with that guilt.
Michael does propose, moving up their time line, not because he wants to have sex with her, though he does but he also wants to spend the rest of his life with her, have children together and yes, have sex with her. Side Note: I thought you had to have sex first before you have children.
He is not thrilled when he hears her news and Jane gets it. Of course he doesn't want to raise another man's child, but he supports her final decision. Jane decides to have the baby but give it to the father because he is in a happy, loving marriage. Too bad that part isn't true. Petra might have stayed glued to Rafael's side during his chemotherapy, but now that he is healed and completely healthy, she is cheating on him and he wants a divorce though she is blackmailing him to stay in the marriage by saying that Jane won't give them the baby if something is wrong in paradise.
So Jane is engaged to Michael and everything is fine, for now, but you know it won't last, especially considering that Xiomara has just re-met Jane's biological father (Jaime Camil) now a famous telenovela star and he is furious that she kept her daughter from him.
Sure, the show is completely crazy and fortunately, something like that could never happen in real life. Dr. Alver should not have gone to work that day because she can't focus but Jane didn't hear what she said about the insemination because Jane is also tired. Now, I'm certainly not blaming the victim because that mistake is absolutely horrible. Dr. Alver knows that she is in major trouble and Jane might sue her which I hope happens because that mistake is unacceptable.
But the acting is wonderful with Rodriguez being the stand-out, making Jane a fully fleshed out character and Xiomara is another one to watch.
Sure, the show isn't perfect, with one too many grilled cheese name drops and seriously, with everything else going on, you have to include Michael spying on the hotel manager (Michael Rady) who is also sleeping with Petra. FYI, Michael is a detective so it is on a professional level that he is spying and it is just odd that Jane's father is a telenovela star though that could certainly be interesting.
However, it shows both sides of the pro-choice debate, something that is so refreshing to see and something that rarely happens in Hollywood, though I knew going in that she was going to have the baby. I am worried about the direction this show is going in, because you know that she is going to fall in love with the bio dad and together they will raise the baby but I wish that she would stay with her fiance and have the baby with him, but alas. Either way, I'm intrigued and can't wait for the next episode. Grade: A-

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