Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Middle: The Table

Finally! An episode focusing on Sue (Eden Sher) and Darrin (John Gammon), but  Darrin is Darrin and everything is ruined. Sure, they start off super sweet and cute and then, icing on the cake, Darrin gives Sue a key to his heart necklace which is so romantic. Deciding to do something nice for Darrin, Sue steals his phone so she can find a picture of the two of them together, but instead finds a picture of his ex-girlfriend, Angel, to whom he also gave the same necklace. Sue isn't pleased and breaks up with him, more or less in the heat of the moment as he gave that necklace to his mother as well. Later, Sue feels that she was too hasty, which she basically was because Darrin isn't the brightest bulb in the box and because Angel liked the necklace, he naturally thought that Sue would too, and she did. But she wants to be the only one with that key, and I don't blame her. However, her lines from John Green's The Fault in Our Stars fail to make an impression, she turns to The Notebook. But Darrin only wants to hear what she has to say, and she declares her love for him and he loves her too, they are back together. All is right in that world.
Frankie (Patricia Heaton) and Mike (Neil Flynn) are celebrating their twenty-something wedding anniversary and Frankie decides to buy this beautiful dining room table off of Craig's List. Mike decides that they are working so hard they deserve something nice. But this is the Heck family, it turns out to be a bust. It is a beautiful table but it's a doll table so that wonderful plan is ruined. They still have their nice moment when Frankie arranges a picnic on the dining room floor for Mike when he comes home because as long as he's around, it doesn't matter what sort of table they have. Mike throws the stuff off the tiny table and begins ravishing Frankie. Another sweet ending.
Axl (Charlie McDermott) and Hutch (Alphonso McAuley) need more money so they decide to get more people there and turn their house into a frat house. Like Frankie and Mike's plan, this turns out to a bust. Too many people and these people trash the house, and even break the old, aged Heck family dining room table. In the end, they get Kenny (Tommy Bechtold) back. Sure, he's super weird and only places video games, but he will pay his rent on time and leave them alone.
Brick's (Atticus Shaffer's) plot is minor but also hilarious. He starts a podcast discussing fonts, his passion. And he starts off truly believing that it will work but he quickly grows tired with the whole and cancels it after less than a week. Jimmy Kimmel is upset when it gets cancelled, but he is most certainly alone.
This is probably the strongest episode so far this season and who even cares what the key to my heart necklace was a metaphor for. At first I thought virginity, but then that would just be weird, giving it to his mother and all. I love happy endings and they are so great together. And Frankie and Mike are pretty great too. Grade: A
Side Notes:
-"Why do we have to pay for water? It falls from the sky. It's like they're stealing from God."-Axl to Hutch when they are wondering why they must pay for all their bills.
-Axl is glad that so many things are free at home, but Frankie says that will end next summer. Axl isn't worried, he knows that she won't follow through. Frankie reluctantly knows in the backroom.
-Italics demonstrate emotion, according to Brick.
-He ends his podcast on a classy note, as the type of font shows more of who are you than the words you are actually writing.
-Darrin fills Sue's room with balloons and they don't pop for a while but they worm through them to meet up with each other. He pops some balloons with his key necklace that he gives back to Sue.
-When Darrin says that he needs some space, he locks himself out of the house and wants Sue to go away so he can ring the bell for his mom.
-When will we meet Darrin's family? That should be hilarious.
-What is the thing with photo blankets? I think they are sort of lame, but whatever. I will forever root for that couple.
-That being said, they should probably give Axl a new love interest some time soon.

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