Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Middle: While You Were Sleeping

Well, first of all, its prom season again and Sue (Eden Sher) is devastated when she opens up what she believes is her shirt that says Keep Calm and Eat Ice Cream because they are finally making it in adult sizes but instead, it is her prom dress which finally leads her to the meltdown over her breakup with Darrin (John Gammon). She was so strong in the past episodes but now, she sobs, her heart once again breaking. She had been planning on going with Darrin and now that obviously can't happen. She even agrees without argument to work at Spudsys so her boss can go to prom. Fortunately, there is this hot Abercrombie and Fitch greeter, Logan (David Hull) whose first attempt at prom was a disaster who asks her. Sue is delighted and once again, Sean (Beau Wirick) is the loser, driving so far out of his way to take her only to find out that she has a date. But now Sue needs to find someone to cover her shift, which unfortunately doesn't happen. Luckily, Logan is a keeper and sports a good face while Sue works and even helps her close up. Then, the cheese machine doesn't shut off and liquid cheese squirts everywhere, ruining Sue's beautiful dress. Logan still doesn't leave. Instead, he admits that he really likes Sue (it took her long enough) and doesn't truly care that his prom is ruined. They slow dance to music in their heads and he takes a picture on his phone. A new romance is in the air, lovely.
Though Sue's night ends wonderfully, Mike (Neil Flynn) and Frankie's (Patricia Heaton's) date night doesn't end that well. Frankie rents a cheap movie with Bradley Cooper (whom she calls Gary Cooper) before he became famous but they can't manage to finish it. They fall asleep, again and again. Frankie even takes notes so they don't have to start over again. Mike is sick of trying this hard, after all, that is why he got married, so he doesn't have to try so hard. He just wants what dates lead to. Frankie wants the romance and they will see where that leads. In the end, they decide to go out, but fall asleep at the movie theater.
Brick (Atticus Shaffer) is told to stay in the kitchen until he finishes the mystery dinner Frankie made them, so he gets creative and starts pouring stuff into a bowl. Axl (Charlie McDermott) is enthralled. He immediately takes this idea and concoction and turns it into a business venture. They sell some at a local fair but can't get it into supermarkets because it isn't approved by the FDA and Mike and Frankie stop funding this venture which means that they turn to plastic bags to store the barbecue sauce. Axl has even stopped going to class, news that Mike takes better than expected. Sure, he is still super upset and thinks that Axl is an idiot. Instead, Axl and Brick decide to pool their ideas together about how to deal with parents and write a book. After all, there is no book on how to deal with their parents but plenty on how to deal with children. It's trivial, but its lovely seeing them get along so well. Frankie enjoyed it too.
I really liked this episode. I'm sucker for nice romantic endings and fortunately, this episode got one. Sure, Sue was slow to realize it, but she's not the most obvious person. I mean, she hasn't figured out Brad's true identity yet. I also liked seeing Frankie and Mike try to be romantic, though that also failed. I knew that something would prevent Sue from getting to her senior prom, though I didn't think the cheese machine would explode, I was thinking of them getting locked in the little vendor. Still, things still go well for Sue. I didn't have any sort of date for my prom so Sue still has me beat.
Again, the acting was great and it had several laughs, a half an hour well spent. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-The biggest laugh of the night from my dad came from when Sue tries to pour out her soul over her heartbreak over Darrin and Mike turns the DVD back on to drown out her sobs. Frankie gave him a nasty look.
-The excuses Sue's co-workers give her include going to rehab, an inflamed spleen and getting fired over not saying the stupid catch phrases.
-You sign a contract stating that you must say the stupid catch phrases.
-Best callback of the episode, when Brick says that he used to write slogans for the pretzel company.
-Poor Sean, once again trying to take Sue to her prom and once again, her getting another date first. But he'll smile through it, after all, he is a Donahue.
-Logan's first attempt at prom was a huge disaster. His date was drunk and threw up over a nun.
-Logan says that it is difficult to stay as in shape as he does because of all those potatoes he eats to flirt with Sue.
-Logan looks even better in clothes than he does shirtless, at least according to Sue.
-The barbecue sauce includes pixie sticks. Gross.

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