Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Middle: Toasted

Sue (Eden Sher) is finally turning twenty-one, which is a problem considering back in season three, Frankie (Patricia Heaton) forgot about it as it was actually on Leap Year for a change. So, in reality, she should be turning twenty-two, but whatever, lets just go with it.
Frankie goes to college to help Sue celebrate and they both get completely drunk. Frankie's purpose may have been to teach Sue to drink responsibly, but that backfires. Fortunately, Aidan (Jackson White) shows up to help them get home as Frankie can't stand up straight and Sue runs out into the middle of the street without looking. Even more fortunately, Sean (Beau Wirick) shows up and when Sue needs to throw up, Aidan runs away so he doesn't join her while Sean holds her hair back and when she wants to kiss him, he doesn't take advantage of her. His parents raised him right.
That next morning, Sue has a raging headache and when Aidan returns to make sure she's alright, she ends things. He is alright with that as it was a sign when she picked her mom over him to spend her birthday with. That hurdle is out of the way, leaving Sue free to date Sean, just as everyone else wants. That being said, I would prefer Sue with Sean over Aidan.
Brick (Atticus Shaffer) and Mike (Neil Flynn) go to a Planet Nowhere convention and Mike isn't thrilled. He complains about the length of the lines and the price of souvenirs and is livid when Brick texts Frankie behind his back.
Mike grounds him, by taking away the microfiche machine's light bulb and promptly stepping on it, ruining one of the few things Brick truly loves. But Brick has the last laugh, shoving all of the Colts paraphernalia in Mike's face, which forces Mike to understand that while the Colts are important to him, Planet Nowhere is important to Brick. So they return and Mike sucks it up, buying him some nice presents to remember the event.
And we can't forget about Axl (Charlie McDermott). He has his own road trip. He and Hutch (Alphonso McAuley) are going to Kenny's (Tommy Bechtold's) wedding. That's right, Kenny is the first of the bunch to get married. First, their avatars fell in love, then they did. And each of them have to give a speech, but they have nothing to say about him as they don't him that well. But they have touching speeches for each other.
They realize that they are grown-ups, which is the truth and most of Kenny's guests are watching the live stream of the wedding. Hopefully, it will still be nice.
This was another solid episode and drunk Sue is just as funny as normal Sue. However, I don't think we will see her again. And Frankie still can't hold her liquor and is just as irresponsible as a college student. Sue, Mike and Axl learned valuable lessons in this episode, while Frankie is still the same and Brick schooled his father on hypocrisy. No real laughs, but it was touching nevertheless, with everyone getting their moment to shine. Grade: A-
Side Notes:
-The blue bag is now orange, keep up people. Yet, it is still just as forgotten.
-Mike likes Angie Dickinson, interesting.
-Brick does have ninja like texting skills.
-Hutch still needs to date one more crazy chick before settling down and likes drinking out of juice boxes.
-I don't think Sue will ever go to see Aidan's band again, but she plays it off well.
-For whatever reason, it is a tradition to kiss the dragon on your twenty-first birthday, funny Axl never mentioned it.
-Axl and Hutch didn't even know Kenny's last name until the invitation arrived.
-Axl wouldn't be in his penthouse without Kenny who forced him to take college seriously.
-When you drop something breakable on the floor, bend down to look for it.
-At the Planet Nowhere convention, it is a thing to throw fresh food against the wall. That is such a waste of food. I'm not a fan.

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