Saturday, June 1, 2019

Booksmart (2019)

Despite some odd plot holes, this film was a delight.
Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) are feminists and Molly especially has a stick up her ass (to be fair, I probably do too). Molly is class president and valedictorian. And the two have a deep friendship, which cannot be broken.
As the two prepare to graduate high school and attend prestige schools (without any bribery), Molly suddenly realizes that all those around her are also headed to bright futures, despite partying hearty throughout the four years.
So Molly especially decides to cram four years of partying into one night and it is an epic night. Also, there are some weird kids in L.A. They attend an empty yacht party where they accidentally consume drugs, a bizarre murder mystery party before going to the rager where their respective crushes are. Nick (Mason Gooding) is the VP of the class and isn't as lame as you would think and Molly is crushing on him hard while Amy prefers skatergirl Ryan (Victoria Ruesga), only the two are dating (aka making out) each other.
Despite getting into a nasty fight, the next morning, Molly is still the one to get Amy out of jail and they rush to their graduation and they graduate the hell out of it, including Molly's first kiss in front of everyone, and it was with rich kid, Jared (Skylar Gisondo) who isn't a player like everyone believed him to be.
Sure, this film has numerous problems including the just plain weird scene when Molly and Amy are out of it from the drug hitting them and they have a Barbie fueled fantasy. And how did they fit into their teacher's clothes so well? Also, why does Ms. Fine (Jessica Williams) have so many clothes in her car?
But the acting and chemistry the two leads have is ridiculous and you forget they are portraying someone that is not themselves. They are brilliant and should be in more films, preferably together. The kids are fairly realistic and for the most part, not bad people. I think our future is in good hands. Grade: B+
Side Notes:
-Molly is half-Slytherin, half-Ravenclaw, for the record.
-Pay attention to Billie Lourd's bizarre character, Gigi, who just seems to be everywhere, which is great and laughable but also one of the plot holes.
-The funniest scene by far is when the girls called a Lyft and their principal, Jordan (Jason Sudekis) picks them up in his car filled with mini chili lights and then he listens to them watch porn. I nearly keeled over in my seat.
-It must be the most awkward thing ever to puke all over the girl who just almost lost your virginity to.
-Also, Lisa Kudrow and Will Forte have great cameos as Amy's parents. Unfortunately, Molly's mom never shows up, which is a shame.
-I haven't decided about the serial killer as the pizza delivery guy.
-What sort of library would be open that late at night for the girls to research Nick's aunt's address?
-This is also one of the few films (though second in a row for me) that mentions feminine hygiene products, for which I'm grateful.

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